
南蛮煙管(ナンバンギセル) Aeginetia indica




This plant is Aeginetia indica living on the roots of Japanese pampas grass. It does not have chlorophyll, so it cannot photosynthesise. Therefore, all nutrition is absorbed from the host.

Monotropastrum humilis posted on June 1, 2018 also does not contain chlorophyll. It lives on fungus, not plants, and gets nutrients from them.

Fortunately, there are no plants that live on humans.


彼岸花 cluster amaryllis


Cluster amaryllis is also known as "cluster amaryllis after the rain in Japanese," and if you go out to see cluster amaryllis, they say it is recommended after the rain has stopped.


わからない名前 its name is unknown


If there is something I don't understand, I'll try to extract the features and see them, but if I believe that I understand them, I'll leave them as they are, so I don't grow.