
ハナショウブ Hanasyobu


Speaking of Hanashobu, they remind me of the sight that bloom as a group at marshy place, but it also feels Japanese atmosphere to have a clay wall at the back.


浮葉植物 floating-leaved plant


Floating-leaved plant grows roots in the soil of the bottom of the water, but the leaves and flowers float on the water surface. Therefore, it can not live in the place where the water level changes significantly.

アサザ Fringed Water-lily


知らない花 unknown name flower


The unknown name flower was standing up in the grass.
They say the number of flowers in the world are exceed hundreds of thousands.


ヤマモモ酒 red bayberry liquor


Lots of red bayberry fruits have fallen on the road. So I could harvest them without any kind of hardships. And I pickled them in distilled spirits and glacial sugar right away. The recipe is not very precise. The glacial sugar seems too big. But fortuity may bring an unexpected pleasure. They are going to sleep for about three months under a floor.
By the way, it is the first time to touch red bayberry, but it has the slightly scent of cedar.


イトトンボ Damselfly


At the bottom of this photo, the two damselflies are under copulation. The head is male and the next is female. The male tail holds the back of the female head firmly, and the female tail joins to the male belly. Viewed from the side, they looks heart shaped.
The third damselfly which seems to be male is approaching from behind. In a moment, when I thought that a pair of damselfly moved, the third one went somewhere.


抱卵 incubation


A couple of grebes are warming their eggs. They occasionally rotate the eggs to warm evenly. Mother and father heat the eggs by turns. When the both of them leave the nest, they hide the eggs with a leaf. I wonder how do they have got the wisdom?

抱卵 little grebe warm eggs

回転 rotate eggs to warm evenly

葉で覆う cover eggs with leaf

すぐ戻る I'll back soon

隠れて撮影 these photos taken from hiding place


コウヤカミツレ Dyer's chamomile


The Japanese name "コウヤカミツレ" comes from "紺屋カミツレ", which means "Dyer's chamomile: chamomile of dyer." It is interesting that both names match exactly. It seems to be used as vegetable dyeing. I would like to see what kind of yellow the cloth is dyed.


ニゲル Devil-in-a-bush


In the inflated capsule like a balloon, many black seeds are packed, but it looks like aerial thing and empty for me. They seem to be whispering to each other.


睡蓮 water lily


I had thought that "睡蓮" was "水蓮" by mistake.
The pronunciation of "睡" and "水" are the same as "sui".  "睡" means sleeping, "水" means water. The name of "睡蓮" seems to have the meaning that the flower closes during night and sleeps.
A "Water lily" is a "Sleeping lily" in Japanese name.


見分けがつかない indistinguishable


It is difficult to distinguish Ayame, Kakitubata and Hanasyoubu because they are all similar flowers. Judging from the Wikipedia article, I think these flowers are Hanasyobus.


copied from Wikipeda


八重咲きドクダミ double-flowered dokudami


This is my first time to see double-flowered Dokudamis. It has the same smell as a single flowered Dokudami.
The botanical name of dokudami is Houttuynia cordata.


若いマユミの実 young fruit of Mayumi


As I passed under the Mayumi tree, I saw still young fruits as a silhouette.
The botanical name of Mayumi is Euonymus hamiltonianus Wall.


こっちの実はすっぱいぞ fruits here are sour


At first glance, these mulberry look like insects, so I hesitated a little when I ate them for the first time.
These fruits were large and looked delicious, but the taste had a strong acidity. Each tree has a different taste.


カシワバアジサイ oakleaf hydrangea

和名の意味は、「カシワの葉」をつけたアジサイであり、英名は、「Oakの葉」をつけたアジサイです。「カシワ」と「Oak」とは同じ木ではありませんが、葉は似ているそうです。それはそれとして、カシワの英名は、Daimyo Oakですが、なぜDaimyoと冠されたかは、興味のあるところです。

The Japanese name means the hydrangea with "カシワ Leaf", and the English name means the hydrangea with "Oak Leaf." "カシワ" and "Oak" are not the same tree, but both leaves seem to be similar. By the way, the English name of "カシワ" is "Daimyo Oak." I'm interested in why the name was prefixed with Daimyo. Daimyo means a feudal lord.


グリュンヘルツ grunherz


These two flowers that bloom from the same root, but the each flower has different taste.


モッコクの蕾 buds of Japanese ternstroemia


These buds of Japanese ternstroemia seem very healthy.


ショッキングブルー shocking blue


It is a shocking rose whose name and color are different.


オニグルミ Japanese walnut


These edible "Japanese walnuts" are selling at a shop in autumn. Though I prefer walnut, I do not eat it because the shell is hard and content is small. It is more trouble than it is worth. I prefer to eat ordinary kind of walnuts except "Japanese walnut."A few black decayed male flowers are hanging in the upper right.
I found it was sticky when I touched it, and it had a faint pleasant smell similar to ginger.


サイレンス・イズ・ゴールデン silence is golden


Contrary to the name "silence is golden", this rose has a gorgeous atmosphere. The color of the flower changes from bright yellow to yellow.


赤い縁取のサツキ red bordered "Satuki azalea"


I can't distinguish between "Tsutsuji azalea" and "Satuki azalea" so
I determine that late blooming flower is "Satuki azalea." This is the first time for me to see the petals of the "Satuki azaleas"bordered in red.
"Tsutsuji azalea" and "Satuki azalea" are not distinguished in English, both are simply expressed as "azalea".


梅雨 rainy season


It was a cold and rainy day today. This photograph is a Eureka with raindrops.
I have pulled out poppies because flowers were almost over. It was easy work, because they had short roots and the rain made the flower bed soften. I am going to collect its seeds when it is fine (It was a topic unrelated to this photograph).


植物は成長する plant grows larger


Here is the promenade of the park. Although I do not know why, a thick wire and a spring that holds the name plate were biting into the trunk of the tree. I managed to pull out parts of the two wires and made them an open end. I will bring some suitable tools when I come next time.


ホルミナム painted sage


The pink leaves at the upper part are eye-catching, but the flowers are at the lower part of this photo. Can you find them?


モリアオガエル Forest Green Tree Frog


Surrounding timbers had cut down, but I was able to see the frog eggs were on the branch that were overhung a pond as usual this year, so I feel relieved. When I see the eggs of Forest Green Tree Frog, the rainy season is coming up soon.


コアジサイ Hydrangea hirta


Hydrangea hirtas bloomed along a hiking trail one after another. I walked thinking which flower to take on a photo.


キングサリ laburnum


This is a laburnum which blooms flowers resembling a wisteria, and we don't see this very much in Japan. This is a toxic plant containing alkaloid. There are many poisonous plants around us than I thought.


アメリカ America

1976年にALL-AMERICA ROSE SELECTIONS(AARS Aword)賞を受賞した、サーモン色が美しいバラです。このAARS賞を受賞するには、2,3年の試験栽培を経て、評価されるそうです。

It is a rose with a beautiful salmon color, which received the ALL-AMERICA ROSE SELECTIONS (AARS) award in 1976.To achieve the AARS award, roses need to be evaluated through 2-3 years of trial cultivation.


ピンクアナベル smooth hydrangea


The best is yet to come. Now, it looks like Japanese fireworks which expand roundly.


コヒルガオ Calystegia hederacea


I was wondering if it was a "Calystegia japonica" or a "Calystegia hederacea" but I thought this was a "Calystegia hederacea" because the flowers was small and the floral stalk was harsh.


春の風 wind blowing in spring


In spring, we can enjoy many kinds of flowers, but there are lots of windy days is a problem.

シラン urn orchid