
雪解百合(ユキゲユリ) glory of the snow Chionodoxa

 雪解百合(ユキゲユリ)の英名は、グローリー・オブ・ザ・スノウ(glory of the snow)です。学名のchionodoxa はギリシア語に由来します。 前半のchionは雪、後半のdoxaは輝きを意味します。和名、英名、学名のいずれにも雪が名前の中にあります。春を告げる可愛らしい花です。

 The Japanese name includes the meaning of melting snow. The English name is glory of the snow. The genus name chionodoxa is derived from the Greek words. The first half, chion, means snow, and second half doxa means glory. The Japanese name, English name, and scientific name all have snow in their names. The lovely flowers that usher in spring.
 In Japan, it is commonly called Chionodoxa instead of the Japanese name Yukige-Yuri. Probably because the pronunciation of Chionodoxa is like Japanese.


ヒマラヤユキノシタ Himalayan creeping saxifrage


 My Himalayan creeping saxifrage used to bloom every year, but it disappeared from a while ago. I have an idea who pull out them (lol).


取り合わせ go well together


 There wasn't much light, so the colors weren't great, but it was still a real scene.


桜 cherry blossoms


 Cherry blossom bloomed quietly without anyone observing them on a cloudy weekday.
 These cherry trees are for viewing, not intended for the gathering of cherries (fruits).


weeping cherry tree

depicted by Togyu Okumura when he was 83


バルボコディウム Hoop petticoat daffodil


 It is a Barbocodium near the original species of Narcissus. The sound of Barbocodium, scientific name,  is rather strange to the Japanese. I heard that it means a bell-shaped bulb.


ドラキュラ伯爵 Count Dracula


 ドラキュラは、1897 年に出版されたブラム ストーカー作のゴシックホラー小説です。ドラキュラ伯爵は、物腰は穏やかさを装っていますが、実際は傲岸で獰猛な性格です。人から侮られることに我慢がならない、プライドが高い生き物です。勉強熱心であり、家事を自らマメにこなすなど、律儀な面もあるが、自室は荒れ放題です。

 Someone told me that my left eye is red. When I look in a mirror, I found I had a Dracula's eyes. There was no pain. According to the results of the ophthalmology examination, blood has accumulated between the cornea and the eyeball, but I was told not to worry because the bleeding was due to aging.

 Dracula is a gothic horror novel by Bram Stoker, published in 1897. Count Dracula pretends to be calm, but he's actually arrogant and ferocious. He can't stand being underestimated by people and has a high pride. He is enthusiastic about studying and has a disciplined side, such as doing household chores faithfully, but his room always messy.
 Oh, perhaps this is my description.

Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, (1958 film)


一人静(ヒトリシズカ) Chloranthus quadrifolius


 Since it grows only in East Asia, it has no English name, only a scientific name.  The white flowers look like half-used brushes.


コブシ kobus magnolia


 I am swamped by many white flowers blooming in the background of the blue sky.


実際の花桃 real hana peach


 On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, I posted a picture of hana peach drawn by artificial intelligence (AI). Today's photo is real.


山茱萸(サンシュユ) Shan zhu yu


 It's hard to keep pronouncing the last "yu." "Shan zhu yu" is a Chinese word. The Japanese name is Harukoganebana. Japanese name is a good name that expresses looks and is easy to pronounce, but it is not commonly used for some reason.


水仙(スイセン) narcissus


 They say there are more than 10,000 varieties of narcissuses. By the way, we have over 100,000 varieties of roses.
 I heard that the name 水仙 (Chinese name) comes from Chinese classics, which means that it grows near water, has a long lifespan like a hermit, and is pure. On the other hand, as you all know, narcissus (scientific name) is derived from Narcissus, a handsome boy who appears in Greek mythology.


死ぬ瞬間 the moment of death



 A neighbor passed away suddenly from a blood clot in his lungs. He didn't wake up in the morning, so when his wife went to see him, he was still warm, but he had already stopped moving in his bed.
 People around him were surprised at the suddenness of his death, but I think it was good for him that he passed away without suffering and without burdening his family with nursing care. But I'm not sure.

 According to the latest brain science research, even if the blood flow to the brain stops due to cardiac arrest, the brain continues to be active for several tens of seconds. Could he know his death and feel anything during that time? No one can know that.
 It doesn't seem too far off for me to experience it myself. For the first time in years, I let go of my teardrop.


クロッカス crocus


 Crocuses are blooming in the same place again this year. It is a cold-resistant perennial that does not suit the fragility of its appearance.  Let's meet each other healthy next year.


梅(ウメ) Japanese apricot


 A Japanese apricot is well suited to a Japanese traditional  tile-roofed house. It might have been better if there was a bush warbler.
 In Japan, the pairing of Japanese apricot and Japanese bush warbler is expressed as an example of beautiful harmony. I have never seen a bush warbler perched on a plum tree.


230316 路上探検 street exploration


 The patterns appeared naturally on the concrete walls.
I continued to take photos while waiting for the pedestrians to disappear, but no one showed any interest in the wall. 
 Don't you think it's more fun to be interest in anything?

The black horizontal line is the shadow of the electric wire.


猫柳(ネコヤナギ) pussy willow


 As I looked through the finder at the fluffy flowers of pussy willows, they appeared to be young snowy owls aligned on the branches.
 In fact, snowy owls rarely perch on branches, They say that they tend to perch on rocks, stumps or other high places with good visibility in search of prey.


虫こぶ insect gall


 I wonder what is this damaged pumpkin-like thing.  A strange thing with a diameter of 10 cm is tied at the tip of the branch.
 I think it maybe a insect gall. Insect galls are the result of abnormal plant growth caused by the secretions of plant-parasitic insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses. It is big nevertheless.


レンテンローズ lenten rose


 Lenten roses always looks down. 
 Women depicted in Ukiyoe-print, Japanese woodblock print of common life in the Edo period, generally tend cast down her eyes and women with her wide open eyes don't appear. When I saw the flowers, the image like that comes to mi mind.


さび色 reddish brown


 It is the reddish brown pattern that appeared on the back of the information board. I feel a little like I'm looking through a microscope.


輪廻転生 never-ending cycle

 握れば指のあひだより落つ (石川啄木)




 理科室の実験テーブルの上に★誰のしわざか★不用意にも、水銀が入ったボトルが置きっぱなしになっていた。 授業が始まるまえのザワついた状況で、誰が始めたのか幾人かの生徒たちは、水銀が有毒であることも知らず、手のひらに取り分けて遊び始めた。好奇心の強い私も例外ではなかった。その時、私も水銀の危険性を知らなかった。





 Lifeless sand is sad
 It doesn't stay even when I hold it
 It spills out from between my fingers
 (Takuboku Ishikawa : Japanese poet)

 my interpretation:
 Takboku likened his own life to sand, and expressed in a sentimental manner how he couldn't grasp it even if he tried, and time passed by every moment.

 If I want to express the feel that I can't grasp even if I try, mercury is more suitable than sand, but I think it doesn't express emotions.

 Now I return to the subject.

 A mercury-containing bottle was carelessly left on the test table at the science laboratory. Before class began, in a noisy situation, among students who did not know that mercury was deadly, some students began playing with mercury with their palms. Being curious, I wasn't the exception. I also did not know the danger of mercury at that time.

 Mercury is so heavy that no matter how tightly I closed my fingers, it spread the flesh around my fingers and spilled out. Nothing is left behind. I thought this was due to the high surface tension (interfacial tension is the correct term in this case).

 What was even more intriguing was that the moment the drop of mercury slid down onto the desk, it turned into even finer droplets and splashed. In addition, small round particles rolled off the desk onto the floor and scattered in the smallest particles. The particles rolled toward the bottom of the floor and were gradually coalescing into a large shivering mass. At this scene, I felt the excitement of watching a cycle of transmigration.

 After that, the teacher came to the classroom and the teaching started, but none of the students said anything about it, so the class continued as usual in the environment where mercury evaporates. That was about half a century ago.

 [Caution]Mercury is highly toxic.
It can vaporize easily, even at room temperature, and its vapor is extremely dangerous. It destroys the central nervous system and causes many problems. In severe cases, it can lead to death.

Today's story crossed my mind while I was repairing a flat tire.

bubbles on the water's surface that look like mercury


花桃 hana peach


 Continuing from the day before yesterday, I had artificial intelligence (AI) draw a picture of hana peach.
 The flower consists of four petals, and along with leaves and fruits are painted. The result is a totally unexpected and heartwarming picture. The totally unexpected and heartwarming picture had described. It seems that this AI has not yet learned the cycle of plants.
 The number of petals of hana peach blossoms is five, and the flowers bloom before the leaves come out, and of course the fruits grow much later.


花金鳳花(ハナキンポウゲ) Persian buttercup


 It's been a while since I got a picture.
 The flower looks a bit like a rose or a chrysanthemum, but it has its own charm. 
 Many varieties of horticulture are still being created. The color type of the flowers increases and cultivars with a larger number of petals are also produced. They say a flower with many petals have more than 200 petals.


桜満開 cherry tree in full bloom

 使用したAIは、Stable Diffusionです。

 Cherry blossoms are not yet flowering.
 I had artificial intelligence (AI) draw a picture of cherry blossoms. AI seems to have drawn it in reference to the picture published on the net. Because illegible characters appeared at the bottom of the picture. We can't find out how AI arrived at its outcome. It could infringe copyright.
 The AI I used is Stable Diffusion.