
カヤの実 nuts of Japanese torreya


It seems that fat taken from nuts of Japanese torreya were used for edible and lighting purposes. The nut itself will also be edible. I plan to pick it up in autumn when it ripens and falls. It seems not to be tasty, but it has rare value.


コムラサキシキブ Callicarpa dichotoma


A leaf of "Callicarpa dichotoma" has a unique characteristic that the leaf has saw teeth only in half of the tip.

source: wiki


キツネノカミソリ red heart lily


This slope is the place where red spider lilies grow in colonies, but now red heart lilies have been in bloom. Although the timing of each flower's blooming is slightly different, will both flowers bloom in the same place? Next month, I'd like to make sure if red spider lilies bloom here.


ウリボウ infant wild boar


Today, I met an infant wild boar of the size of a cat on a forest road. Fortunately, the parent wild boar did not appear. A little later, I came across the Japanese serow. Today I was blessed with good luck. It all happened instantaneously, so I couldn't take pictures.

source: wiki


キブシ stachyurus praecox


I have seen yellow flowers of "stachyurus praecox" blooming in clusters  several times at the beginning of spring, but I do not remember seeing its fruits. I should have seen this fruit in this period, but it seemed to not be impressive.
The fruits are used as black dye.


ボーベリア・バッシアーナ Beauveria bassiane


A fungus seemed to be parasitic on a long-horned beetle. The insect did not move at all and its joints have become white. I don't know where it touched a spore, but it was unlucky.
Recently, an extermination method of harmful insects by fungi is studied to suppress the use of the chemical drug.


銀杏の実 gingko nut


There are many gingko nuts on the ground. It may have fallen as a result of the typhoon, but many nuts are left on the branch.


シンジュ tree of heaven

英名は、 tree of heaven ですが、heaven(天国) のイメージはどう見ても無いと思います。どうやら、30m位まで背が高くなるので、天に届くという意味で、heaven(天国)という言葉が使われたようです。

This tree is growing on a roadside by a railway track. Whenever I passed close to this tree, I worried if I got a rash, because this tree resembled lacquer. Someone told me that this tree was named "tree of heaven". It is not a lacquer genus, so we will not get a rash.
The name of this tree is "tree of heaven", but I don't feel any images of heaven from this. This tree becomes tall and seems to reach 30m in height. So, the word, heaven, seemed to be used in a meaning to reach heaven.


ミズキ giant dogwood


Leaf veins of giant dogwood draw a beautiful arc.


山火事防止 prevention of forest fire


In spite of the blazing sun, a power company lineman was lopping a branch which contacted a line, because the branch would cause a fire.