
紅葉(モミジ) maple tree


 You can enjoy maple leaves with a gradation of red and green in spring.


ムスカリ grape hyacinth


 Grape hyacinths were blooming sparsely on the side of a restaurant's parking lot. However, I think that the presence of this flower is greatly enhanced when it is grown in clusters.


石楠花(シャクナゲ) Rhododendron


 Rhododendron flowers have the appearance of a combination of multiple azalea flowers.


ミツマタ Oriental paperbush


 Leek flower head tempura is delicious. I think the flowers of oriental paperbush are a little similar to leek flower head. I wonder if it is the cause of this. If you make the oriental paperbush flower tempura, it looks a little delicious. I think no one would eat it, but this plant contains a toxin called coumarin, so it is not edible.


普賢象(フケンゾウ) fugenzo


 I think this cherry tree is Fugenzo, a type of Yaezakura.


御衣黄(ギョイコウ) gyoikou


 Gyoikou is a kind of yaezakura whose petals are green at the beginning of blooming. The cherry tree is said to be a rare cherry tree that can only be seen in 100 locations across Japan. However, I am able to see it in two places within walking distance of my house.


八重桜(ヤエザクラ) Double-flowered cherry trees

 八重桜が咲きました。 桜はバラ科なので、桜もバラも花は、よく似ています。

 The double cherry blossoms have bloomed. Cherry blossoms are in the rose family, so both cherry blossoms and roses have very similar flowers.


ブラシノキ bottlebrush


 Bright red brush-shaped flowers are expected to appear next month.


八重桜(ヤエザクラ) Double-flowered cherry trees


 Yae-Zakura is a general name for cherry trees with more than six petals, and the flowering time is about half a month later than Yoshino tree.



染井吉野(ソメイヨシノ) yoshino cherry


 Although the cherry blossoms bloomed late this season, they have been blooming earlier and earlier in recent years. It may be due to the effects of global warming, but there are some circumstances that make it difficult to say for sure. Cherry blossoms are unable to bloom properly unless they experience cold weather during the winter. Flowering seems to be a result of the balance of nature.


白頭鳥(ヒヨドリ) brown-eared bulbul


 Brown-eared Bulbuls and white-eyes are frequently seen eating the nectar from flowers. However, brown-eared bulbuls are stronger than white-eyes, so poor white-eyes are chased away at a disadvantage.


花梨(カリン) Chinese quince


 A pale pink Chinese quince flower is blooming at the tips of a branch, as if held by new leaves. The purple color in the background is Chinese violet cress.


大島桜(オオシマザクラ) oshimazakura


 Oshimazakura is a species endemic to Japan. The contrast of white petals and green leaves creates a refreshing feeling.
 The new leaves have a fragrant, so they are pickled in salt and used as leaves to wrap sakuramochi. Salting not only enhances the flavor but also prevents bacteria from growing. The leaves have a toxin called coumarin, but the amount is so small that it doesn't pose any health hazards. Be sure to eat the leave together.
 Lately, I've been seeing sakuramochi made with plastic leaves, and this is an unfortunate business practice that is destroying food culture.


エドヒガン edhigan


 The reddish color of the flower in the photo is stronger than it is in my naked eye. Maybe it's because that I took this photo in the morning sun.
 In yesterday's article, I wrote that the weeping cherry tree has its roots in Edohigan. It is hard to tell from a distance, but when you get closer, you can sense the atmosphere of the weeping cherry tree.


枝垂れ桜 weeping cherry blossom


 Weeping cherry blossom is a generic name for a type of cherry tree with drooping branches. Edohigan is believed to be the origin of them.


寒緋桜 Kanhizakura (Prunus campanulata)


 In the main island of Japan, cherry-blossom viewing means admiring Yoshino cherry trees, but the southern limit of distribution of Yoshino cherry trees is in Kagoshima Prefecture, so cherry-blossom viewing in Okinawa, which is further south than Kagoshima, is for Kanhizakura.


椿(ツバキ) camellia


 Camellias may seem like flowers that bloom in winter, but they actually bloom until spring. The Chinese character (椿) for a camellia is a combination of tree (木) and spring (春), so it is not surprising.


花まつり hana-matsuri (anniversary of the birth of Buddha)



 According to tradition, Buddha was born on April 8th.

 The same day is also the day of the faithful dog Hachiko. Since it is neither the day of his birth nor the day of his death, but the day when his statue was erected, April 8th has been designated as the day of the faithful dog Hachiko. There is a statue of the faithful dog Hachiko, which almost all Japanese people know, in front of Shibuya Station in Tokyo.


陽光(ヨウコウ) yoko


 The deep pink color of the cherry blossoms is very eye-catching. This variety of cherry blossom has been registered as seed and seedling for the first time in Japan.
 Seed and seedling registration is a system based on the Seeds and Seedlings Act, which gives exclusive rights to those who develop new varieties of flowers, agricultural crops, etc., and protects the varieties and their developers. To be straightforward, it's a system similar to patent rights. Therefore, it has a validity period.

registration certificate


早咲きの桜 early blooming cherry tree


 Kawazu-zakura is an early-blooming cherry tree. It has already begun to bear fruits.


越の彼岸桜 (コシノヒガンザクラ) koshino-higan-zakura


 Koshino-Higanzakura and Edo-Higanzakura are both types of cherry trees.
 Koshino-Higanzakura is said to be a hybrid of Edo-Higanzakura
It's not easy for me to tell the difference between the two, since there are individual differences both of the two. I'm happy to forget about classification and just admire flowers.


木瓜 (ボケ) flowering quince


 In addition to single-colored petals of red, white, and pink, there are also petals with a mixture of red and white. They are creating a gorgeous bloom.


山桜(ヤマザクラ) yamazakura (Cerasus jamasakura, or wild cherry tree)


 Unlike Yoshino cherry, whose flowers bloom before the leaves,Yamazakura , grows flowers and leaves at the same time. The beauty of appearance from a distance, Yoshino cherry with only flowers in bloom is superior to Yamazakura. Before the mid-Edo period, when Yoshino cherry became pervasive, cherry blossom viewing meant admiring wild cherry blossoms.


ソメイヨシノの交配種 hybrid Someiyoshino



 Somei Yoshino is a hybrid of Oshimazakura and Edohigan. This cherry tree is also said to be a hybrid of Someiyoshino and Oshimazakura. Compared to Someiyoshino, it has a tree shape with branches that spread laterally.

 This may be none of my business, but to view the cherry blossoms, I think it's better to turn your head this way.
 They might have been hesitant to point their feet towards the cherry blossoms because they thought it would be rude.


絵馬掛け所 Ema hanging place


 Ema tablets (votive picture horse) were hanging in abundance at the Ema hanging place.
 You can also see votive tablets depicting a "Daruma doll" that has the fortitude to stand up no matter how many times it is knocked down. Is it based on the assumption that wishes will not come true all at once?

 In the past, there was a custom to dedicate a live horse to a shrine when praying to God for a wish. Now, wishes are written on a tablet with a picture of a horse on it and hung on the screen.


抜染うさぎ rabbit discharge printed in Noren


 Viewing the rabbit in the Noren shop curtain from the back side gives a different impression.
 For no particular reason, I asked the recently popular generative AI to draw a rabbit illustration. My instructions may not have been appropriate, but it lacks interest.


アメリカデイゴ common coral tree


 The tree's atmosphere is very bleak at this time of year.
 This tree is commonly known as a coral tree and is native to South America. It seems that it produces a lot of red flowers from June to September. I would like to see the red flowers one day.

(source) Wikipedia


桜の盆栽 bonsai tree of cherry blossoms


 The department store's entrance was decorated with a bonsai tree of cherry blossoms. This is my first time seeing a cherry blossom bonsai tree. It's possible that this is Kawazu-zakura. The Yoshino (Prunus yedoensis), the popular cherry tree in Japan, is still in its hard bud condition.


タンポポ dandelion

 茎が短いのは、この寒い時期だと周りに草が生えてないので、茎を長くして陽を浴びる必要がないからとか、外来種(多数派))に比べ、在来種(少数派)は本来短いとか、諸説あります。 海外で寒い時期に咲くタンポポの茎は、短いかどうか興味のあるところです。

 Dandelions with a short stem are blooming.
 There are various theories as to why the stems are short, such as that in this cold season, there is no grass around, so there is no need to lengthen the stems to get sunlight, or that the native species (minority) are inherently shorter than the non-native species (majority).
 I would like to know whether dandelion flowers that bloom during the cold season overseas have short stems.


河津桜 カワヅザクラ Kawazu-zakura


 This tree is Kawazu-zakura, a hybrid between Oshima-zakura and Kanhi-zakura. The meaning of 'Zakura' in Japanese is cherry tree. You can see the both Oshima-zakura and Kanhi-zakura characters on this tree. Oshima-zakura has large and white flowers, while Kanhi-zakura has dark red flowers. Both trees bloom early. Kawazu-zakura in Kawazu-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture is well known, but this photo was taken in Tokyo. Kawazu-zakura in Kawazu-cho's blossoms are probably already past their best.


風船唐綿(フウセントウワタ) milkweed


 It's a milkweed fruit that looks like a paper balloon. I have heard that seeds with crown hair scatter from inside in autumn.


銀葉金合歓(ギンヨウアカシア) Cootamundra wattle


 It is commonly known as mimosa in Japan, which is actually a Cootamundra wattle. The small yellow flowers are blooming profusely and hanging down, but unfortunately, they have withered due to the rain.

flower in open state


見頃過ぎ best time has passed


 Although the best time to see the plum blossoms is over, I was still able to enjoy them from a distance. Seeing things from a distance may lead to happiness.


生成AI, generative AI


 Major marathons are held in the winter because it is during the cooler temperatures that good times are achieved in marathons. I used a generative AI to create a video using the still image taken at the Ome Marathon.
 It seems difficult to create videos from still images showing horizontal movement.
 Running is something many people enjoy, it may have originated from the ancient practice of running after prey or evading predators. Watching marathons also brings me excitement.


ロマネスコ romanesco


 The structure of Romanesque flower buds is mysterious, with a repeating conical shape that repeats over and over again. A unique and beautiful pattern is created by repeating in different sizes. It seems like an eternity. This pattern, created by natural processes, is said to follow mathematical laws.



日本水仙 Japanese Narcissus


 These early-blooming daffodils are native to the Mediterranean coast, but in Japan, for some reason, the flower name was named after the Japanese country. Does it have a Japanese atmosphere?


黄金比翼桧葉(オウゴンヒヨクヒバ) Filifera Aurea


 The leaves spread in a conical shape, shine in gold on a sunny day.


蝋梅(ロウバイ) wintersweet


 Although a wintersweet is highly fragrant, the fragrance did not waft through here for some reason. However, the yellow flowers that looked like waxwork stood out against the blue sky.


コルク栓が抜けない can't get the cork out




 A person who is not a drinker gave me a bottle of Shaoxing wine that had been sitting around for many years. I made an effort to drink it immediately, but the cork did not come off. I have had the bad experience of failing to uncork a wine not once or twice in the past and dropping the debris into the bottle. This time, I will act with caution.

 The entire red-black part looks like a cork plug, but no matter how much I try pull or pry it by hand, it won't budge. I came to a decision that destroying the red-black cork was the only option, so I started prying it with a pliers. Then I realized that this part was sealed with plastic. When I peeled off the seal, I found that the whole thing was not cork, but a ceramic lip revealed with cork pushed into the center. The remaining procedure is easy. I had no trouble opening the cork with a wine opener.
 What was the reason for sealing it with plastic? Is this intended to avoid the cork drying out?

 By the way I have no idea what the purpose of the fence surrounding the pot's shoulder is. This allows you to place the pot upside down. In wine cellars, bottles are laid down to prevent the corks from drying out. It is also possible to think that holding the bottle upside down prevents the cork from drying out.

 Now, as for the taste, since it has been stored for many years, the alcohol concentration seems to be slightly lower, but the aroma remains and I was able to enjoy the gentle taste.