
ニセアカシア locust tree


 The flowers of  locust tree are white flowers which resemble a Japanese wisteria. The flower part is said to be delicious when cooked in tempura, but other parts are poisonous, so it is possible that it may get mixed with. It is better not to eat it easily.


藤 Japanese wisteria


 After going down a slope in the forest, the view opened up and I came out to a swamp. It was the best time to see the Japanese wisteria climbing the tall trees. Japanese wisteria is often seen in wisteria trellises, but it's also nice to see it spread out in a nature.


シオカラトンボ common skimmer


 Dragonflies tend to perch on pointed points. It flies away when people approach it, but comes back to the same position after a while.
 This dragonfly remained on the stump even when I got close. After a while, when a spider came out from somewhere and approached it, it flew away somewhere.


十二単(ジュウニヒトエ) Ajuga nipponensis


 There was a relatively new cut on the steep slope. Around it is still bare ground, but the Ajuga nipponenses have been beginning to spread as a pioneer plant.


ギシギシ Japanese dock



 This is a Japanese dock of the knotweed family. The stem is much bent. It would have stood up with an indomitable spirit even if it was trampled. It's edible wild grass, but it doesn't seem to taste good. I suppose there is bugs eating it, there is no accounting for tastes.


ハルジオン Philadelphia daisy


 It is difficult to distinguish between Philadelphia daisy and annual fleabane. I think this is probably Philadelphia daisy, but what do you think?


水仙(スイセン) narcissus


 Compared to breeds that are close to the original species, the newer varieties seem to have become much gorgeous in appearance.
 The same tendency may be observed in tulips.


タンポポ dandelion


 Dandelions observed at this time of year have short stems. After a while, the surrounding grass will grow and the dandelion stem will also grow longer.
 The toothed leaves which extend like a rosette are also characteristic of dandelion. The south side is the bottom of the picture. It seems that the leaves on the sunny side, south and east, have deep notches.


二輪草(ニリンソウ) wind flower


 Aconite is a highly poisonous plant that can be easily collected in a
 woodland close to the village.
 It seems that aconite is often put into spouse's food due to troubles between husband and wife. It's probably because you can easily get deadly poison.
 Wind flower belongs to the same buttercup family family as highly poisonous aconite, but it is edible.


丹頂草(タンチョウソウ) Red-crowned crane


 Red-crowned crane is a plant of the saxifrage family. The flowers resemble the Himalayan saxifrage of the same family.
 Both the Japanese name and the English name come from the bird's name, but I don't think it looks like the red-crowned crane.


イカリソウ fairy wings


 The plant called "Fairy wings" is called "ship's anchor" in Japanese.
 When I was a junior high school student, I sometimes enjoyed crucian carp fishing. Occasionally, the fish hook was caught on something at the bottom of the pond and I had a problem. When it didn't come off even after pulling in various directions, I gave up and cut my important fishing line.
 I once worried that the ship's anchor might get caught in the bottom of the water. Ships only cast anchor when the bottom of the water is flat, like sand or mud.
 Ships don't just drop it, the ship moves forward or backward to hook it on the bottom of the water. Come to think of it, the ships in the harbor do not cast anchor.
 The weight of the extended chain also plays a role in stopping the vessel.
In the unlikely event that it is caught or in an emergency, the anchor can be cut off.


ヘリコプター事故 helicopter accident


 Yesterday was the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, who invented the helicopter concept. For this reason, the All Japan Air Transport & Service Association Co., LTD designated April 15 as Helicopter Day.
 Unfortunately, on April 6, the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force helicopter with the General aboard crashed. The flight was the first inspection for a new general, the helicopter probably flew at a low speed and at a low altitude with the sliding door open and the aircraft largely banked. It was in an unstable state, the pilots was probably unable to deal with sudden events.

(c) Copyright Rikuji-cyousa-dan

(c) Copyright Rikuji-cyousa-dan


合田草(ゴウダソウ) annual honesty


 Rather than flowers, the thin, semi-translucent fruits characterise this plant.

(C) Copyright Wikipedia




 Many flowers are attached to a stem, and it seems that it was named "Tatsunami-so" because it looks like a big swell wave.
 The first half of the Japanese name "Tatsunami" means ruffling, and the second half "so" means grass.

Katushika Hokusai - Kanagawa oki nami ura

Ando Hiroshige - The Sea at Satta, Suruga Province


 Hiroshige was born into the Ando family, so he was called Ando Hiroshige , but he was active as a painter of the Utagawa school, so it is common to call him Utagawa Hiroshige  today. The name seems to have changed since the 1980s. I am an elderly person, so when I hear Utagawa Hiroshige, I feel something strange.


拝む地蔵 worshipping jizo


 Jizo is a guardian deity of children, and is placed on the roadside as a stone statue in the shape of a monk.
 Jizo usually holds a cane in its right hand and a rosary in its left hand. You can see Jizo with her hands together once in a while, but it is rare to see Jizo with her hands together just in front of her faces. Besides, it was my first time I met a group of Jizos.
 In the second photo, the thing emitting light is the money offering that reflects the sunlight. It was not the paranormal.


しめ縄 sacred rope of rice straw


 People who seem to be volunteers are trying to tie the broken rocks together with a sacred Shinto rope of rice straw, but the work is not going well due to the absence of a leader. After a while, everyone began to say selfish things, and the atmosphere gradually became strained.

 Shinto believers believe that evil spirits cannot get in where a sacred rope of rice straw, "しめ縄 shime-nawa" in Japanese, is stretched.

copied from ANA,
not related to this article


二段の滝 two-tiered waterfall


 One local let me know the waterfall existence, so I took a detour to see it.
 This waterfall is not very large with a fall of about 20m, but the two upper and lower blue color basins are very impressive. I want to come again here for the fall leaf season.


気楽に行けるが feel free to go, but


 I think the bun-shaped bulge in the foreground is a small lava dome. I suppose high viscosity lave solidified immediately after it was extruded from the small crater.
 I used the ropeway and came here easily with leather shoes for commuting. There are dangers hiding behind the convenience. 


飲み比べ sake tasting



 We drank a set of nine Japanese sakes to compare to. Sweet, spicy, sour, rich and thin, each has a different taste. It is difficult to express the taste, but we enjoyed our meal in a relaxed way while commenting on the individuality of each sake.

 It is said that there are 1,400 sake breweries throughout the country, with over 10,000 brands, but the number is decreasing from year to year. Sake is a Japanese culture made from rice and water. I drink sake every evening to keep this Japanese culture alive (lol).


飲泉(いんせん)drinking hot spring water


 It is said that drinking hot spring water is effective in relieving illness, but the truth is not well understood. Here, they say that if you drink three glasses of this water, you will get diarrhea. This seems real.


春の舞い Mai of spring




 Fresh leaves began spring dance in music.

 ”舞い(mai)” and ”踊り(odori)” were distinguished in Japanese traditional dance. "舞 い" is a relatively slow tempo motion that moves around the spot without lifting feet too much from the floor. On the other hand, "踊り" refers to motion accompanied by jumping on the rhythm. Nowadays, "舞 い" and "踊り" cannot be clearly distinguished, and have come to be mixed together in a dance.

 There is no word in English for the ancient Japanese meaning of "舞 い." Japanese culture is gradually westernizing.


蕗のとう(フキノトウ) butterbur flower stem


 Butterbur flower stem is an edible wild plant that can be seen in the mountains in spring. Along the hiking trail, there are a lot of them, but it's a little late to eat them.


進むべきか戻るべきか to keep going or to come back


 When I found something on the side of the road, I approached, and it was a poor, dry frog. Should he/she have moved forward or backward? It was its  fault that it didn't go back. However, maybe there was a reason why it couldn't come back.


編笠百合(アミガサユリ) fritillary


 This flower has a slightly eerie black-purple mesh pattern inside the petals.
 To characterize this flower, it would have been better to shoot from a little further lower. 


コノテガシワ Chinese Arborvitae


 I know that lots of orange flowers are female flowers, but I don't know what brown and gray things are.
 A knowledgeable person told me that there are ripe and splintered fruit and seeds, perhaps seeds have already fallen. I was also told that male flowers can be seen in some of them. 
 Many thanks.


カラザ chalaza



 When I cracked the egg, I found something such as white wrinkly tissue in the egg white. At that time, I thought that a wing had begun to grow, but this is not possible because the egg is unfertilized eggs.
 There is a thing called a chalaza that fixes the yolk inside the egg. It's that white stringy thing in an egg white. I suppose the chalaza may be abnormally developed.

 Now, would you like to eat this egg?

a nomal egg


若葉蜘蛛(ワカバグモ) Oxytate striatipes


 The flower of the snowflake in the foreground is covered with the yellow-green Oxytate striatipes, a kind of spider, which has the same color as the stem. It spreads its first and second legs into an oval shape and uses its "eight" eyes to look around and is waiting for prey.