
ジャン ドルメソン Jan d'Ormesson


 The color of this rose seems to change based on the temperature. The orange appears more strong when the temperature is low, and the yellow appears more strong when the temperature is high. It is probable that it will have more yellow due to the high temperatures this year.


アンジェラ angela


 Angela is a climbing rose that doesn't have much of a scent, but it has a lot of flowers and attracts people who see it. It is just beginning to bloom, so you can see many buds around.


金襴紫蘇(キンランジソ) coleus


 If you literally interpret the Japanese name written in kanji, it means Shiso that looks like a textile patterns woven from gold thread.
 The leaves of the coleus were shining brightly in the afternoon sun.


道端探検20231028 roadside exploration


 On the roadside, there was a charming object in the form of a frog. There is something like a lever at the bottom. If you step on it, the mouth  will wide open and both hands seem to rise up at the same time. It's probable that it was built as a trash can.


箒草(ホウキグサ) summer cypress


 In a peaceful corner of the field, I enjoy watching the color of the summer cypress change from green to red then brown over a long period of time, every year.


春黄金花(サンシュユ) Shan zhu yu


 Its Japanese name is "Harukoganebana", which means golden flowers in spring, but it is better known by its Chinese name "Shan zhu yu".
 It is not possible to eat this red fruit as it has a strong astringent taste. If you soak the fruits in distilled spirits, you can make a fruit wine that is effective for nutritional fortification and recovery from physical exhaustion.

flowers taken in March


秋桜(コスモス) cosmos


 Cosmos is written as autumn cherry blossoms, in Japanese, but the flower looks more like chrysanthemums than cherry blossoms. In my view, it would be more appropriate to call it autumn chrysanthemum, but since autumn chrysanthemum is another name for chrysanthemum, in other words, chrysanthemum itself, so you cannot utilize it.


唐傘茸(カラカサタケ) parasol mushroom


 Now is a great time to eat mushrooms with deliciousness. These mushrooms have a large cap, about 20 cm in diameter, and the shafts are hidden from view. They are likely parasol mushrooms.
 There are over 20,000 mushroom kinds, but only about one-third of them have names. Many of them are poisonous, and amateurs like me are taught not to collect and eat them.


小海老草(コエビソウ) beloperone



 It is called ko-ebisou in Japanese because its red bracts resemble shrimp. Ko-ebisou means grass resembling small shrimp in Japanese. White flowers emerge from the tips. Its English name is beloperone. The sound of the name Beroperone has the image of being licked in Japanese.

 I found a mysterious item that resembled fried shrimp falling in the forest a long time ago. It was leftover food after a squirrel ate the seeds inside a pine cone. I couldn't find the photo, so I posted one founded online instead.

(c) 世界文化社 Sekaibunka Holdings


 空木(ウツギ) fuzzy deutzia


 Fuzzy deutzia are blooming in the shrubbery along the road. It appears that it was chosen due to its long blooming time, resistance to pruning, and resistance to exhaust gases.
 Many trees in Japan have the name utsugi, or fuzzy deutzia in English.One book introduces 18 types of trees with the name that include utugi. Furthermore, it is present in various species, such as the Saxifrage and Rosaceae families.
 In Japan, trees with hollow stems are called utsugi, which is confusing.


 タラノキ(楤木)の花 flowers of Aralia elata


 Small, pale yellow-green flowers have bloomed in a crowd on the Aralia elata tree at my house. Although there is no particular smell, many small insects are flying around. As if observing the situation, a hornet is flying around among them.

(出典) 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション
(Source) The National Diet Library digital collections


向日葵(ヒマワリ) sunflower


 Sunflowers are usually thought of as blooming in July or August, but here they bloom from the end of September to early October every year.