
アイスバーグ iceberg


 Speaking of icebergs, I remember the marine accident of the Titanic crashing into the iceberg.
 They say the shape of icebergs is often pyramid-shaped in the Arctic region and table-shaped in the Antarctic waters. It seems that it depends on whether it is born from a glacier or an ice shelf.


沈黙の秋 Silent Autumn


 Jardin de France is a rose with many flowers, but it has bloomed a little. Angela and cocktails which will bloom with many flowers also have decreased flowering dramatically compared to the average year. It may be due to unusual weather. I am worried that global warming may be the cause of these things.

Jardins de France


コスモス cosmos


 This is a bright cosmos field, but looking up at the cosmos from below against the backdrop of the sky shining through the clouds makes me feel a little suspicious atmosphere.


マダムバタフライ Mme. Butterfly

 マダムバタフライ (バラですよ) は、香りが強いと聞きますが、この花は余り香りが強くありません。私の嗅覚が弱っているのかも知れません。

 They say that Mme. Butterfly (rose) has strong scent, but this flower is not so strong. Perhaps my sense of smell is faint.


千日紅(センニチコウ) globe amaranth


 The flower blooms for a long time from summer to autumn, so it seems that the name of "sennich-kou" was given to the red flower. "Sennich" means a thousand days and "kou" means red color in Japanese. A thousand day, What a long period, it is nearly three years.


稲架掛け(はさがけ) hasagake


 This method of drying the harvested rice on a rack in the sun and wind is a traditional method called hasagake in Japanese. The water content of the paddy rice immediately after cutting is as high as 20 to 25%, and if it is left as it is, the water content will be too high and the rice will deteriorate, so they dry it until it reaches about 15%. This will also make the rice taste better and less likely to crumble.


友禅菊(ユウゼンギク) New York aster


 A strain of small lilac-colored chrysanthemum flowers with double petals was in bloom on the edge of the field. I think it might be New York Aster.


吊舟草(ツリフネソウ) Touch-me-not

 ツリフネソウの学名(Impatiens textorii)のImpatiensの意味は、「こらえきれないもの」です。熟した果実をさわるやいなや、種子がはじき飛ばされることに由来しています。英語名のTouch-me-notも同じ発想ですね。

 Impatiens in the scientific name of Touch-me-not (Impatiens textorii) means "I cannot be stopped". It comes from the fact that the seeds pop off as soon as you touch the ripe fruit. The English name Touch-me-not also comes from the same idea.


アカスジキンカメムシ Poecilocoris lewisi


 I was able to meet a stink bug, Poecilocoris lewisi, that I hadn't seen for a while. Seen from the opposite side, it looks like the face of a person with a wide open mouth.


筑紫雌生揉(ツクシメナモミ) Sigesbeckia orientalis L.


 The seeds of plants that stick to fur and clothes are called "Hittuki-mushi" which means sticking insects in Japanese, even though they are not insects. There are various ways to stick. The rounded protuberances on the tip of "Sigesbeckia orientalis L." are sticky, so they stick to the animals.
 There is a similar plant "cobbler's pegs" which is more familiar with us. This has many spines on the seed to stick.

Sigesbeckia orientalis L.

cobbler's pegs
Source : wikipedia.org


男郎花(オトコエシ) Patrinia villosa


 The flowers of Patrinia villosa and Valerianaceae are similar. Each flower has different colors, the former is white, the latter is yellow.


継子の尻拭い(ママコノシリヌグイ) Persicaria senticosa


 The Japanese name for this plant means stepmather wipes the butt of a hateful stepchild with this thorny grass. It's a name came from a sad idea.


コカマキリ praying mantis


 The lightweight thing fell out from the ceiling to my arm. It was a mantis in the room. Maybe because the rooms are messy, creatures living in grasses are invading nowadays.


緋合歓(ヒネム) Calliandra(Fairy duster)


 It is not a flower but stamens that unfold as a red fan.


菊芋(キクイモ) Jerusalem artichoke


 It has high fertility, so even if you abandon it, it will be taller as you look up while you are unaware. Its tubers are edible. I don't think they are so delicious, but I think they go well with cooking oil.


天竺牡丹(ダリア) dahlia


 On the way to shopping, dahlia was blooming on the roadside in vivid colors.


ヤツデの蕾 Japanese Aralia buds


 Japanese Aralia is a plant that grows in shadow and is characterized by its large leaves. I thought this plant was a Japanese Aralia with many buds in a sunny place but didn't large leaves.  I wonder it doesn't need large leaves if it grows on a sunny spot.


枯れたヒマワリ withered sunflower


 I remembered there was a shower like that somewhere.


紫苑(シオン) tatarian aster


 Although the wild species of tatarian aster are listed as endangered, I often see cultivated tatarian aster around parks and fields.
I'm going to look at the difference between wild and cultivated species of it.


カマドウマ rhaphidophoridae


 The Japanese name for rhaphidophoridae is "kamado-uma". Kamado means a cooking stove for old Japanese houses and Uma means a horse. In the old days, they were often seen around a kamado.

 It is an insect, but called a horse, because its face resembles a horse. Perhaps horses are more familiar creatures to humans. Rhaphidophoridae has no wings, but its jumping power seems to be as great as a horse.
 About a week ago, I began to see rhaphidophoridae in the bathroom now and then. Since there is no food indoors, I try to release it in the garden, but it is hard to catch. It makes no sence, if I end up crushing it, so I am having a hard time. The door is always open when I don't use the room, but you probably forget a return path. I can't imagine it is going back and forth between the garden and the room. No way!


町のヒマワリ sunflower in the town


 These are sunflowers that bloomed in the town.


ホトトギス Japanese toad lily


 Japanese toad lily has begun to bloom. The summer is almost over.