As for the breeding, it increases by the adventitious bud made on the tip of the leaf other than a seed. I photographed the adventitious bud made on the tip of the leaf, but unfortunately was out of focus.
An adventitious bud is bud going out of the place that does not produce a bud commonly.
おしんの森 persevere through hard times
These are beech trees which grew up enduring snowy heaviness. There is no trunk which grew straight.
These are beech trees which grew up enduring snowy heaviness. There is no trunk which grew straight.
ショカッサイ Orychophragmus violaceus
It is a orychophragmus violaceus growing wild in a beach. I think that it might bathe in seawater, but it bloom as if nothing has changed.
It is a orychophragmus violaceus growing wild in a beach. I think that it might bathe in seawater, but it bloom as if nothing has changed.
ユキワリソウ Hepatica nobilis var. japonica
Because this grass lengthens its stem from under snow, this was named "ユキワリソウ". Japanese name, "ユキワリソウ" means the grass breaking snow. "Hepatica" means a liver in Latin. It is because the form of the leaf has a shape of the liver.
Because this grass lengthens its stem from under snow, this was named "ユキワリソウ". Japanese name, "ユキワリソウ" means the grass breaking snow. "Hepatica" means a liver in Latin. It is because the form of the leaf has a shape of the liver.
キクザキイチゲ Anemone pseudoaltaica
I thought Anemone pseudoaltaica has only a white color flower, but there seem to be various colors.
I thought Anemone pseudoaltaica has only a white color flower, but there seem to be various colors.
シラネアオイ glaucidium palmatum
The things looking like petals are four pale purple sepals. The Glacidium palmatums in the photos which I took seem to have stiff feel of a material. I think the cause to be the result that it was too fine.
The Glaucidium palmatum which bloomed in profusion on both sides of a narrow mountain trail was overwhelming.
The things looking like petals are four pale purple sepals. The Glacidium palmatums in the photos which I took seem to have stiff feel of a material. I think the cause to be the result that it was too fine.
The Glaucidium palmatum which bloomed in profusion on both sides of a narrow mountain trail was overwhelming.
オオイワカガミ ooiwakagami
The surface of the leaf is shiny, so the grass was named iwakagami.
The varietas to have big leaves are ooiwakagame.
In Japanese, "oo" means something big, and "iwa" means a rock, and "kagami" means a mirror.
The surface of the leaf is shiny, so the grass was named iwakagami.
The varietas to have big leaves are ooiwakagame.
In Japanese, "oo" means something big, and "iwa" means a rock, and "kagami" means a mirror.
ニリンソウ anemone flaccida
One rod of this grass has three flower stalks, but this grass is an anemone flaccida, is not anemone stolonifera. An anemone stolonifera has leaf stems, but an anemone flaccida does not have it.
The Japanese name of "anemone flaccida" has the meaning of "two flowers", and "anemone stolonifera" has the meaning of "three flower".
One rod of this grass has three flower stalks, but this grass is an anemone flaccida, is not anemone stolonifera. An anemone stolonifera has leaf stems, but an anemone flaccida does not have it.
The Japanese name of "anemone flaccida" has the meaning of "two flowers", and "anemone stolonifera" has the meaning of "three flower".
カタクリとエゾエンゴサク Japanese dog's tooth violet & corydalis ambigua
Japanese dog's tooth violet is in full bloom now in Sado island. It blooms together with Corydalis ambigua. It does not appear in this photograph, but the leaf of Japanese dog's tooth violet here does not have a pattern.
Sado island is the island located in West Niigata. It has a large area next to Okinawa main island.
Japanese dog's tooth violet is in full bloom now in Sado island. It blooms together with Corydalis ambigua. It does not appear in this photograph, but the leaf of Japanese dog's tooth violet here does not have a pattern.
Sado island is the island located in West Niigata. It has a large area next to Okinawa main island.
オーニソガラム star-of-bethlehem
This is a flower called Star of Bethlehem blooming in two layers of six petals. The outside petal is green and rimmed with white.
This is a flower called Star of Bethlehem blooming in two layers of six petals. The outside petal is green and rimmed with white.
キケマン Corydalis heterocarpa var. japonica
Corydalis heterocarpa is grass of the poppy family same as corydalis lineariloba (cf. article of May 10), too. The whole of grass includes poison despite its appearance.
Corydalis heterocarpa is grass of the poppy family same as corydalis lineariloba (cf. article of May 10), too. The whole of grass includes poison despite its appearance.
ヤマシバカエデ hornbeam maple
This tree is a hornbeam maple growing in a valley. It has a different shape leaf from maple family (Acer). The red sheath-formed thing that is standing out is bud scale that fall soon.
This tree is a hornbeam maple growing in a valley. It has a different shape leaf from maple family (Acer). The red sheath-formed thing that is standing out is bud scale that fall soon.
ミツバツツジとヤドリギ rhododendron dilatatum & mistletoe
The Rhododendron dilatatum scattered already at base of a mountain. However, we can enjoy it now in the place where altitude is high. There are the mistletoe and its host in background, both of them seemed to have died together.
The Rhododendron dilatatum scattered already at base of a mountain. However, we can enjoy it now in the place where altitude is high. There are the mistletoe and its host in background, both of them seemed to have died together.
フデリンドウ gentiana zollingeri fawc.
It is very small flower in comparison with Japanese gentian. This flower opens only on clear day.
It is very small flower in comparison with Japanese gentian. This flower opens only on clear day.
フモトスミレ Viola sieboldii Maxim.
I think that this small violet has a characteristics in how to open petals.
I think that this small violet has a characteristics in how to open petals.
オクタマスミレ okutama-sumire
The okutama-sumire is a Japanese endemic species of the violets. It seems to be very lucky that I could see it.
The okutama-sumire is a Japanese endemic species of the violets. It seems to be very lucky that I could see it.
アカフタチツボスミレ viola grypoceras
Because leaf veins are red, I think this violet to be viola grypoceras.
Because leaf veins are red, I think this violet to be viola grypoceras.
エイザンスミレ viola eizanensis
When I climbed up to a mountain over 1000m, I was able to see many spring ephemeral.
The Viola eizanensis is a Japanese endemic species. The form of the leaf is characteristic. We can see this violet at wide area in Japan.
When I climbed up to a mountain over 1000m, I was able to see many spring ephemeral.
The Viola eizanensis is a Japanese endemic species. The form of the leaf is characteristic. We can see this violet at wide area in Japan.
お砂踏み osunafumi (stepping on sand)
The sands which were collected from 88 place of holy spots have been buried under the each consecutive stepping-stone. They say that we can receive divine favor same as having carried out the pilgrimage of all holy spots if we walk while we pray for this path.
The sands which were collected from 88 place of holy spots have been buried under the each consecutive stepping-stone. They say that we can receive divine favor same as having carried out the pilgrimage of all holy spots if we walk while we pray for this path.
ハナグルマ hanaguruma
The hanaguruma is a garden variety of a azalea that has long and narrow petals. I think that this flower matches the garden of the Western style.
The hanaguruma is a garden variety of a azalea that has long and narrow petals. I think that this flower matches the garden of the Western style.
剪定されたツツジ trimmed azalea
It was outstanding that there were many branches which lengthened from azalea trimmed as round form.
It was outstanding that there were many branches which lengthened from azalea trimmed as round form.
白色の心象 image of white color
White is a color to give a clean impression, but it's said that there is also the psychology effect to let you think that you must not pollute it.
White is a color to give a clean impression, but it's said that there is also the psychology effect to let you think that you must not pollute it.
クルメツツジのキリンか maybe kirin of kurume-tutuji
A lot of small flowers crowd and bloom. I think it is a kirin of kurume-tutuji belonging to an azalea.
A lot of small flowers crowd and bloom. I think it is a kirin of kurume-tutuji belonging to an azalea.
ハナミズキ flowering dogwood
It is the beginning that the United States of America sent flowering dogwoods to Japan in 1915. It is completely rooted in Japan now and we often view those trees as street trees.
This season we have less flowers than usual.
It is the beginning that the United States of America sent flowering dogwoods to Japan in 1915. It is completely rooted in Japan now and we often view those trees as street trees.
This season we have less flowers than usual.
オーロラ aurora
I think this peony is an aurora of a new kind. It seems to bloom a bit shyly.
I think this peony is an aurora of a new kind. It seems to bloom a bit shyly.
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