The weather forecast said it would be fair all day, but we were not able to see Mt.Fuji because there is much cloud.
クサギの実 fruit of harlequin glory bower
The contrast of the blue of fruit and the red of the calyx is outstanding.
We can enjoy various forms of harlequin glory bower as time goes on. But because the shape of the tree is not so good, it would not be planted in the garden.
Please refer to the articles of March 7, 2017 and September 1, 2017.
The contrast of the blue of fruit and the red of the calyx is outstanding.
We can enjoy various forms of harlequin glory bower as time goes on. But because the shape of the tree is not so good, it would not be planted in the garden.
Please refer to the articles of March 7, 2017 and September 1, 2017.
ツリフネソウ touch me not
夏から秋へ from summer to autumn
柿の木の強度 strenghe of the tree of persimmon
When I was pruning young persimmon of my garden, one of my friends said to me that it is easy to break the branch by hand without scissors.
I wonder if the persimmon used as materials of furniture has enough strength.
When I was pruning young persimmon of my garden, one of my friends said to me that it is easy to break the branch by hand without scissors.
I wonder if the persimmon used as materials of furniture has enough strength.
picture and text unrelated |
アカツメクサ red clover
Red clover is not to be seen so much as white clover. Recently, I don't even see white clover so much.
Red clover is not to be seen so much as white clover. Recently, I don't even see white clover so much.
赤白黄色 red, white and yellow
This flower is called white "Cluster-amaryllis" in Japanese. Its scientific name is "Lycoris albiflora". It looks yellow, rather than white. But speaking of yellow "Cluster-amaryllis", it seem to point "Lycoris traubii".
"Cluster-amaryllis", "Lycoris albiflora" and "Lycoris traubii", each flower resembles in form.
This flower is called white "Cluster-amaryllis" in Japanese. Its scientific name is "Lycoris albiflora". It looks yellow, rather than white. But speaking of yellow "Cluster-amaryllis", it seem to point "Lycoris traubii".
"Cluster-amaryllis", "Lycoris albiflora" and "Lycoris traubii", each flower resembles in form.
CCleaner was hacked
本日、CCleaner v5.33を起動すると、MacAfeeSecureがアラートを出し、CCleaner.exeファイルを消去しました。インターネットで調べると、CCleaner v5.33とCCleaner Cloud v1.07とが改竄され、マルウェアが組み込まれていました。製造元のPiriform Limitedは、このことを18日に公表しました(発見したのはシスコ社)。
なお、最新バージョンのCCleaner v5.34は安全だそうです。CCleaner Cloud v1.07は、自動的にアップデートされます。
Today, when I run CCleaner application on my PC, McAfeeSecure application alerted me and deleted CCleaner.exe file immediately.
I checked the details on the internet and I found that CCleaner v5.33 and CCleaner Cloud v1.07 were affected by the malware.
Piriform Limited of the manufacturer announced this incident on September 18th (discovered by Cisco company).
It is thought that McAfee updated the secure pattern based on this information.
In addition, CCleaner v5.34 of the most recent version seems to be safe, but is not updated automatically. CCleaner Cloud v1.07 is updated automatically.
なお、最新バージョンのCCleaner v5.34は安全だそうです。CCleaner Cloud v1.07は、自動的にアップデートされます。
Today, when I run CCleaner application on my PC, McAfeeSecure application alerted me and deleted CCleaner.exe file immediately.
I checked the details on the internet and I found that CCleaner v5.33 and CCleaner Cloud v1.07 were affected by the malware.
Piriform Limited of the manufacturer announced this incident on September 18th (discovered by Cisco company).
It is thought that McAfee updated the secure pattern based on this information.
In addition, CCleaner v5.34 of the most recent version seems to be safe, but is not updated automatically. CCleaner Cloud v1.07 is updated automatically.
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source:The Hacker News |
チャドクガ tea tussock moth
They are larva of tea tussock moths. They line up in a good manner, but are poisonous insects of bad quality. Even if we do not touch it, we get a rash if sting hair flies to us. If we walk under the tree or we are a downwind side, we would suffer damage. Let's both be carefull.
They are larva of tea tussock moths. They line up in a good manner, but are poisonous insects of bad quality. Even if we do not touch it, we get a rash if sting hair flies to us. If we walk under the tree or we are a downwind side, we would suffer damage. Let's both be carefull.
アンテナ antenna
An antenna tower stood at the place with a fine view of around 500m above sea level. I wonder what is the purpose of it. The area was off-limits and several surveillance cameras were working.
An antenna tower stood at the place with a fine view of around 500m above sea level. I wonder what is the purpose of it. The area was off-limits and several surveillance cameras were working.
地を這う crawling on the ground
Because there is not a support to hold on, a climbing plant crawls on the ground. Though it resembles a "clematis tosaensis", I don't know the name of this plant.
Because there is not a support to hold on, a climbing plant crawls on the ground. Though it resembles a "clematis tosaensis", I don't know the name of this plant.
チゴユリ disporum smilacinum
One small white flower blooms on the tip of a stem in spring. It became the black fruit currently, and dying leaves increase an interest.
One small white flower blooms on the tip of a stem in spring. It became the black fruit currently, and dying leaves increase an interest.
空飛ぶクジラ whale of the air
アザミ Japanese thistle
I image that the thistle is a spring flower, but it seems to have the kind that bloom in autumn also.
I image that the thistle is a spring flower, but it seems to have the kind that bloom in autumn also.
ツリガネニンジン adenophora triphylla
A pistil does not come out from a petal, but this plant also seems to be a Adenophora triphylla.
A pistil does not come out from a petal, but this plant also seems to be a Adenophora triphylla.
ホトトギス tricyrtis hirta
I suppose that the butterfly sucking nectar from the flower is maybe a Daimio tethys.
I suppose that the butterfly sucking nectar from the flower is maybe a Daimio tethys.
萩 bush clover
過酷な自然 harshness of nature
It was a story that I heard from a guide of the mountaineering.
The rabbit which he had kept was swallowed by a snake. The snake was not able to escape from the rabbit hutch, because its body was swelled.
When he was going to kill the snake, his wife said to him, "if you kill the snake, the life of the rabbit would be wasted, therefore you should not kill the snake".
The snake was released to nature by him.
It was a story that I heard from a guide of the mountaineering.
The rabbit which he had kept was swallowed by a snake. The snake was not able to escape from the rabbit hutch, because its body was swelled.
When he was going to kill the snake, his wife said to him, "if you kill the snake, the life of the rabbit would be wasted, therefore you should not kill the snake".
The snake was released to nature by him.
Even if a carpenter bee approaches us, we don't have to worry about being bitten by it. A carpenter bee has calm character.
Even if a carpenter bee approaches us, we don't have to worry about being bitten by it. A carpenter bee has calm character.
ギボウシ plantain lily
Plantain lily is a Japanese indigenous plant species. It is said that Siebold took it back to Europe and many breeds of plantain lily have been created afterwards. It is interesting to watch the difference in pattern of the leaf by the breed.
Plantain lily is a Japanese indigenous plant species. It is said that Siebold took it back to Europe and many breeds of plantain lily have been created afterwards. It is interesting to watch the difference in pattern of the leaf by the breed.
ホオズキ Chinese lantern plant
Vermilion husks were outstanding, so I noticed the existence of the Chinese lantern plant, but I wonder what kind of flower it was.
Vermilion husks were outstanding, so I noticed the existence of the Chinese lantern plant, but I wonder what kind of flower it was.
オシロイバナとメンデルの法則 four-o'clock and Mendel's law
When I see a four-o'clock (plant), I always nostalgically remember the time when I learned Mendel's law at the class of the science.
When I see a four-o'clock (plant), I always nostalgically remember the time when I learned Mendel's law at the class of the science.
大食漢 big eater
Several larvae of swallowtail butterflies ate up leaves of a Japanese pepper tree. Only one larva is found now. What happened to other larvae. Would it have been eaten by a small bird?
It stay at the back of the branch which has thorns, so I think that it does not seem easily to become prey of the enemy. But....
Several larvae of swallowtail butterflies ate up leaves of a Japanese pepper tree. Only one larva is found now. What happened to other larvae. Would it have been eaten by a small bird?
It stay at the back of the branch which has thorns, so I think that it does not seem easily to become prey of the enemy. But....
ミンミンゼミ oncotympana maculaticollis
A cicada panics maybe hitting the leaves which grew thick, and flies around with a rustle. Sometimes I encountered such a scene.
A cicada has stopped on my body several times. I immediately shake it off not to be stung by its beak.
A cicada panics maybe hitting the leaves which grew thick, and flies around with a rustle. Sometimes I encountered such a scene.
A cicada has stopped on my body several times. I immediately shake it off not to be stung by its beak.
カメムシの好物 harlequin bug's favorite
The fruits of the Stewartia pseudo-camellia are gradually swelling out. The larvae of the harlequin bug have gathered to suck the juice of the fruits.
The fruits of the Stewartia pseudo-camellia are gradually swelling out. The larvae of the harlequin bug have gathered to suck the juice of the fruits.
クサギ Harlequin glory bower
Harlequin glory bowers had grown thick here and there of a shoulder on an abandoned road nobody passed.
The petals stick out from a calyx lengthily and open. Both long stamens and a pistil also stick out from the flower. The flower smells good, but smells slightly strange when we rub the leaf.
The deep-fried young leaf seems to be delicious.
Harlequin glory bowers had grown thick here and there of a shoulder on an abandoned road nobody passed.
The petals stick out from a calyx lengthily and open. Both long stamens and a pistil also stick out from the flower. The flower smells good, but smells slightly strange when we rub the leaf.
The deep-fried young leaf seems to be delicious.
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