It is a Japanese red elder flower coming out from collapsed board fence of an abandoned house.
赤く染まる枝垂れ桜 weeping cherry tree is stained red
After the flowers were scattered, the whole branch looks crimson from a distance because red stained calyces and stamens remain.
After the flowers were scattered, the whole branch looks crimson from a distance because red stained calyces and stamens remain.
ネモフィラ baby blue eyes
A Nemophila is a native plant of western North America. Recently, its popularity has increased and many people have visited to admire it.
A Nemophila is a native plant of western North America. Recently, its popularity has increased and many people have visited to admire it.
普賢象 fugenzou
The person who were weeding told me that this cherry tree was "Fuzenzou."
The person who were weeding told me that this cherry tree was "Fuzenzou."
チューリップ tulip
Tulips have been improved in breeding, and there are various flower shapes, but I prefer a flower which is single cup and it has 6 petals.
Tulips have been improved in breeding, and there are various flower shapes, but I prefer a flower which is single cup and it has 6 petals.
ヒトリシズカ Chloranthus japonicus
Flowers like a brush began to bloom wrapped in four young leaves at the tip of the stem.
Flowers like a brush began to bloom wrapped in four young leaves at the tip of the stem.
イロハモミジの新芽 shoots of Japanese maple
Of course, autumn leaves are beautiful, but new shoots and flowers are also quite good.
Of course, autumn leaves are beautiful, but new shoots and flowers are also quite good.
ポピー poppy
When I opened the front door this morning, I noticed a poppy was blooming there, but it looks a little malnourished.
When I opened the front door this morning, I noticed a poppy was blooming there, but it looks a little malnourished.
ハナモモ Hana peach
Hana peach is worth seeing, because it is a flower that had been improved repeatedly.
Hana peach is worth seeing, because it is a flower that had been improved repeatedly.
枝ぶり figure of branch
I think that the mysterious figure of this branch is a device to apply the sunlight equally to each leaf.
No one agrees with my thought.
I think that the mysterious figure of this branch is a device to apply the sunlight equally to each leaf.
No one agrees with my thought.
モモイロタンポポ red hawksbeard
When it comes to dandelion, the color is yellow. But I saw a pink dandelion for the first time. The shape of this flower is similar to dandelion, but I learned that it is actually a different species from dandelion.
When it comes to dandelion, the color is yellow. But I saw a pink dandelion for the first time. The shape of this flower is similar to dandelion, but I learned that it is actually a different species from dandelion.
ボケ flowering quince
I heard that the fruit wine made from this plant is delicious, but I don't know yet what kind of taste and fragrance it has.
I heard that the fruit wine made from this plant is delicious, but I don't know yet what kind of taste and fragrance it has.
お囃子の競い合い competing festival music
The parade floats faced each other and competed for the festival music. I saw this kind of the festival for the first time and enjoyed much.
The parade floats faced each other and competed for the festival music. I saw this kind of the festival for the first time and enjoyed much.
シャクナゲ rhododendron
Looking at this flower, I can realize that it is suitably the plant of the azalea family.
Looking at this flower, I can realize that it is suitably the plant of the azalea family.
花見 flower viewing
Japanese people really like to enjoy cherry blossoms, especially Someiyoshino. All Someiyoshino are clones, because they are propagated by grafting or cuttage to defence of the beauty nature. Therefore, in the same environment, every tree blooms all at once and then scatters all at once. This beauty and purity will deeply infiltrate into Japanese mind. 80% of cherry trees in Japan are Someiyoshino.
Japanese people really like to enjoy cherry blossoms, especially Someiyoshino. All Someiyoshino are clones, because they are propagated by grafting or cuttage to defence of the beauty nature. Therefore, in the same environment, every tree blooms all at once and then scatters all at once. This beauty and purity will deeply infiltrate into Japanese mind. 80% of cherry trees in Japan are Someiyoshino.
無常 impermanence
In the old days, this cherry tree, Someiyoshino, pleased the eyes of the people, but now, the trunk and branches of the tree had been rotten and had become dangerous, so they were cut extensively. They say the life-span of "Someiyoshino" is about 150 years. Everything continues changing without exception.
In the old days, this cherry tree, Someiyoshino, pleased the eyes of the people, but now, the trunk and branches of the tree had been rotten and had become dangerous, so they were cut extensively. They say the life-span of "Someiyoshino" is about 150 years. Everything continues changing without exception.
at the present time |
when it was full of animation |
4月の雪 april snow
It is amazing that it snowed in Tokyo in April. Bergenias in my garden are now under the snow. The Japanese name of Bergenia is under the snow.
It is amazing that it snowed in Tokyo in April. Bergenias in my garden are now under the snow. The Japanese name of Bergenia is under the snow.
調和 harmony
Cherry blossoms, a Dandelion, Spring starflowers, a Thick trunk and Blue sky.
Cherry blossoms, a Dandelion, Spring starflowers, a Thick trunk and Blue sky.
ベニシダレ Pendula Rosea
The Japanese name of this cherry tree means red weeping cherry. As the name suggests, the flower is reddish. The branches are hanging, because they grow too fast to become harden themselves.
The Japanese name of this cherry tree means red weeping cherry. As the name suggests, the flower is reddish. The branches are hanging, because they grow too fast to become harden themselves.
オオシマザクラ Oshima cherry
Oshima cherry blossom blooms simultaneously with leaf growth. We can enjoy a distinctive fragrance when we preserve the leaf in salt. This year, the leaves changed color to brown because I did the work leisurely.
Oshima cherry blossom blooms simultaneously with leaf growth. We can enjoy a distinctive fragrance when we preserve the leaf in salt. This year, the leaves changed color to brown because I did the work leisurely.
日本画のように like a Japanese-style painting
This is a weeping cherry tree. I shot it in a different way than usual.
Don't you think this photograph looks like a Japanese-style painting?
This is a weeping cherry tree. I shot it in a different way than usual.
Don't you think this photograph looks like a Japanese-style painting?
桜の種類 kinds of cherry tree
ムホンホソアシナガバチ parapolybia indica
This bee seems to have just come out after wintering. If so, it may be a queen bee candidate. From now on, it will be the season when bees are active. Let's be careful not to be stung by a bee.
This bee seems to have just come out after wintering. If so, it may be a queen bee candidate. From now on, it will be the season when bees are active. Let's be careful not to be stung by a bee.
トサミズキ Spike winter hazel
A "Spike winter hazel" is similar to a "Buttercup winter hazel", but the tip of the stamen is red for a "Spike winter hazel" and yellow for a "Buttercup winter hazel."
The tip of the stamen has a bag-like structure that contains pollen, and is called anther.
A "Spike winter hazel" is similar to a "Buttercup winter hazel", but the tip of the stamen is red for a "Spike winter hazel" and yellow for a "Buttercup winter hazel."
The tip of the stamen has a bag-like structure that contains pollen, and is called anther.
虫の目で見たら through the insect's eyes
Although my camera is monocular, I shot these pictures with the intention of becoming the insect's eyes. I was utterly exhausted.
Although my camera is monocular, I shot these pictures with the intention of becoming the insect's eyes. I was utterly exhausted.
ハクモクレン white magnolia
They were a little past their peak and the petals were beginning to brown.
They were a little past their peak and the petals were beginning to brown.
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