
タンポポ dandelion

 茎が短いのは、この寒い時期だと周りに草が生えてないので、茎を長くして陽を浴びる必要がないからとか、外来種(多数派))に比べ、在来種(少数派)は本来短いとか、諸説あります。 海外で寒い時期に咲くタンポポの茎は、短いかどうか興味のあるところです。

 Dandelions with a short stem are blooming.
 There are various theories as to why the stems are short, such as that in this cold season, there is no grass around, so there is no need to lengthen the stems to get sunlight, or that the native species (minority) are inherently shorter than the non-native species (majority).
 I would like to know whether dandelion flowers that bloom during the cold season overseas have short stems.

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