
雌待宵草(メマツヨイグサ) common evening primrose


 I was told that these flowers open larger in the dark, so I went to see them after dark, but I couldn't observe any change. I've also heard  that the flower begins blooming during the day when the temperature drops in autumn. It suddenly struck me that it's autumn and the temperature has dropped, maybe the brightness is no longer an issue.


アメリカアサガオ Ivyleaf morning glory


 The ivyleaf morning glory is distinctive in the shape of its leaves and the color of its flowers. The leaves have three to five deep notches and the flowers are typically light blue.
 Naturalized morning glories, such as Ivyleaf morning glory, small-flowered white morning-glory (posted on September 27, 2024), and red morning-glory (posted on September 21, 2024), are plants of the Convolvulaceae family and can cause significant crop damage, especially in soybean fields.


キクイモ Jerusalem artichoke



 Many yellow flowers were blooming along the waterway. It looks like a Jerusalem artichoke flower, but it is short, about 1 meters tall, so it does not appear to be the flower. There are many plants that have flowers that resemble Jerusalem artichoke. It's challenging to determine its true identity for me.

 I've grown Jerusalem artichoke before, and it is an incredibly vigorous plant that will grow back even after I stop growing it, if there are any tubers left over. The tubers were delicious when sliced and fried in oil. However, it's not worth buying and eating.


ナガコガネグモ wasp spider


 The wasp spider spins their web vertically at about waist height position and take up position in the center, waiting patiently for prey to get caught in the web.
 The spider web has zigzag pattern above and below the center. The upper zigzagging is almost gone. I wonder what does its purpose? It's possible that this is for reinforcement.


黄実莢蒾(キミノガマズミ) Yellow-Fruited European Cranberry

 ガマズミ(cranberry tree)の実といえば色は赤ですが、これは黄色い実をつけるキミノガマズミです。待っていても赤くはなりません。

 When it comes to the cranberry tree, you imagine it to have red fruits. However, this cranberry tree has yellow fruits, so it is accurately called yellow-fruited European cranberry. Waiting won't cause it to turn red.


牡丹臭木(ボタンクサギ) rose glorybower


 Rose glorybowers and harlequin glory bowers have similar flower shapes, as their names suggest. The flower color of rose glorybower is pink, while that of harlequin glory bower is white. 
 Although it is not a flower of a rose glorybower, I posted a photo of its fruits on October 6, 2024. Please take a look if you are interested.


菊セザンヌ spray-mum Cezanne


 Why is this chrysanthemum named after the painter Paul Cézanne? Cézanne's still life paintings of apples rather than chrysanthemums are what I think of when I think of him.