
bloggerからログアウトできない can't logout from blogger


Today's topic is an error on web site, too.
This blog uses blogger function of Google, but recently McAfee security software outputs warning when I log out of the site. McAfee Web adviser detects error 403 of the site and seems to give warning. The symptom is gradually worsening. The site do not  accept my logout request even if repetitive manner. I am in trouble without understanding a cause.


エアーカナダのホームページにアクセス不可 can't access Air Canada Home Page


When I tried to reserve a ticket on a homepage of the Air Canada, an alert was displayed and cannot open the homepage. The operator of the Air Canada on the telephone gave me advice to use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer (IE). I always used Google Chrome, but she did not seem to be able to distinguish the difference between Google chrome and IE. But I installed Firefox without protest. The result is the same as before and I still was not able to access the homepage. Because there were many inquiries from customers, the support center seemed to be confused.
After that I knew that the Air Canada just replace the web system. After inputting in a search column with www.aircanada.com without using bookmark, I was able to access the top page.
If it is accessed the page that they deleted, I thinks the system should redirect it to the top page. The cause of the trouble has nothing to do with the browser to use. About IE, I do not know whether they had other problems.


枯れアジサイ a withered hydrangea


I shot the dead hydrangea which was lighted up by the afternoon sun.
The shadow of the hydrangea was projected in a circle "Bokeh" of the top right corner accidentally.


両国花火 fireworks at Ryogoku


This is the wood-block print which Fujiya Hotel distributed.
It is like the trace of the devil fire rather than fireworks.
The description of sky looks like surface of water. The composition of a bridge and the background is different from the fact. Therefor I feel sense of incongruity. It is conclusive that the description of the bridge and the people are neglectful.
This has a hook to display itself, perhaps this is a souvenir.
"Ryogoku" is fireworks launching place.


びん詰聖母 bottled madonna


The first snow of the season fell early in the morning.
A indoor plaster figure is weak at antiweatherability. Therefore the Madonna and Child have been bottled, I suppose.


28664日前のメニュー Menu of 28664days ago


I don't know who wrote this castle and where it was. When I looked at the inside of the menu holder, I noticed that it can be used as a post card. The inside menu was a print for the dinner on Monday, July 26, 1937.
It was nineteen days later from the Rokokyo bridge Incident.


どんど焼き Dondo bonfire

On the evening of today, a dondo bonfire was carried out in a rice field nearby. A dondo bonfire is a ceremony that we hold on about January 15. We burn ornaments of New Year holidays at the fire. If we bake the dumpling which we attached top of a stick and eat, it is said that we can spend the year healthily.

1/90sec, F6.7, -0.5EV, ISO800, 28mm (aps-c)

1/15sec, F6.7, 0EV, ISO1100, 28mm (aps-c)


盆踊り Bon odori

今日の一枚は、富士屋ホテルの版画の続き、英一蝶(はなぶさ いっちょう)の版画です。柳の枝が上から垂れ下がる大胆な構図は広重と似たところもあります。盆踊りということもありますが、英一蝶のは随分軽妙な絵だと思います。

One piece of today is a print of Fujiya Hotel again. This is the print which Iccho Hanabusa drew. The composition that the branch of the willow hangs down greatly from the top resembles the style of Hiroshige. Although he described the dance, but I think that the style of Iccho Hanabusa is very witty.

Bon odori is the dance to commemorate the dead in the middle of July. But there is no dark atmosphere at there and the people sing and dance cheerily.


ロウバイ wintersweet


Wintersweet had a good sweet fragrance and bloomed, just like the name.

1/4000sec, F1.8, manual, ISO200, 50mm (aps-c)


雨中の田植え rice planting in the rain


This seems to be a landscape print of Hiroshige, too. This is almost same as a print of National Diet Library (NDL), but the background descripton of this one is slightly real. Thereby this print has some chill image.
Gradation is expressed very neatly. I am about to check how they give gradation with a wood block print.


広重八ツ見のはし Hiroshige landscape woodblock print

裏表紙に、By Nippon Mokuhan Co. Tokioと印刷されています。この会社を、調べてみましたが何もわかりませんでした。TokyoがTokioと表記されているのが、なんだかハイカラっぽいです。

I found a scenery wood-block print of Hiroshige in a bunch of materials. The town of Edo understands that it was the capital of the water.
Character string, "By Nippon Mokuhan Co. Tokio" was printed on a back cover. I checked this company, but was not able to find anything.
I feel it is chic that Tokyo is transcribed into Tokio.


日本郵船豪州線 Japan-Europe Fortnightly Servece by N.Y.K.Line


When I was seeing several dinner menu of Fujiya Hotel, I noticed that there was one menu which had Nippon Yusen's logo mark instead of Fujiya Hotel's. I wonder if Fujiya Hotel served meals in ships.
It is listed with Sunday, April 16, 1939 when I watch the date of the menu.
Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II.
It is the dizzy time when everyday life moves to a war regime in Japan.
I cannot take in it from the luxurious menu that it was the situation that people were made to stand in the edge of a precipice.
I wonder who did see this menu and eat the dinner, in such a time?
From Yokohama to London, it seemed to take approximately 50 days in those days via the Suez Canal.


富士屋ホテル・メニューのホルダー FUJIYA HOTEL Menu Holder


This is a holder of the dinner menu which was used in Fujiya Hotel  in old days.
This cover is a wood-block print of Kitagawa Utamaro who was Japanese ukiyo-e artist (1753 - 1806). When I magnified this sheet, I understood that it was not machine printed material. I wonder if they made a woodcut.
There is a logo mark of the hotel on the back cover.  But this is slightly different from a current one.
This is a precious document reminding of the tolerant times.


暖冬 a warm winter


The warm days are continuing, but cold wind blew suddenly on this evening. Probably it will become cold starting tomorrow.


お墓参り visiting a grave


The dead have not been lying in such the place, but I went for a visit to the grave today.
There is sometime a difference between theories and senses, but I may be satisfied according to a sense.


ワンちゃんと遊び戯れる lively playing with dogs


Five doggies came to my home yesterday. I was lively with them.
The sound of the nail of the dogs when they walked on the floor sounded pleasantly.


蜂蜜の原料 material of the honey


The label of this honey bottle was written as Yakushima. But they took bees to Hokkaido during summer and collect the honey of the acacia. Why does they understand that it is the honey of the acacia? I think that it is up to bees what the insects collect. If there is an opportunity, I ask an apiarist.