
日本郵船豪州線 Japan-Europe Fortnightly Servece by N.Y.K.Line


When I was seeing several dinner menu of Fujiya Hotel, I noticed that there was one menu which had Nippon Yusen's logo mark instead of Fujiya Hotel's. I wonder if Fujiya Hotel served meals in ships.
It is listed with Sunday, April 16, 1939 when I watch the date of the menu.
Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II.
It is the dizzy time when everyday life moves to a war regime in Japan.
I cannot take in it from the luxurious menu that it was the situation that people were made to stand in the edge of a precipice.
I wonder who did see this menu and eat the dinner, in such a time?
From Yokohama to London, it seemed to take approximately 50 days in those days via the Suez Canal.

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