The long stamen looks like the whiskers of a cat. It is perennial plant, but it seems to be difficult to pass the winter in Japan because this grass is sensitive to cold.
元号 Japanese traditional era name
His Majesty the Emperor considered the 30 years of his reign as a turning point and hoped for abdication. Therefore, Crown Prince becomes the Emperor on January 1, 2019, and the new name of an era is used from the same day.
When His Majesty the Emperor changes, the name of era is changed and the consecutive number is also reset. That is inconvenient in various ways.
His Majesty the Emperor considered the 30 years of his reign as a turning point and hoped for abdication. Therefore, Crown Prince becomes the Emperor on January 1, 2019, and the new name of an era is used from the same day.
When His Majesty the Emperor changes, the name of era is changed and the consecutive number is also reset. That is inconvenient in various ways.
Princess Michiko |
忘れ物 forget to bring
There is a lump of viburnum seeds on a bench, probably someone forgot to bring it home.
There is a lump of viburnum seeds on a bench, probably someone forgot to bring it home.
合歓木 silk tree
I thought whether the flowers of the silk tree have bloomed and went out to see the tree, but it was still buds.
I thought whether the flowers of the silk tree have bloomed and went out to see the tree, but it was still buds.
ベニシジミ small copper
We often see this small-sized butterfly at a clear grass field. I approached it slowly and calmly so that it might not fly away.
An impression greatly varies according to a viewpoint.
We often see this small-sized butterfly at a clear grass field. I approached it slowly and calmly so that it might not fly away.
An impression greatly varies according to a viewpoint.
ペチュニア petunia
We usually call it a petunia, so I didn't know that the Japanese name is "tukubane-asagao". According as the name, this flower resembles a morning glory. A petunia and the morning glories are classified in same 'order' on the taxonomy.
The English word for "asagao" is "morning glory."
We usually call it a petunia, so I didn't know that the Japanese name is "tukubane-asagao". According as the name, this flower resembles a morning glory. A petunia and the morning glories are classified in same 'order' on the taxonomy.
The English word for "asagao" is "morning glory."
クレナイヤマアジサイ hydrangea serrata 'kurenai'
It is a hydrangea serrata 'kurenai' and I often see it recently. The ornamental flower gradually turns cardinal red from white. It is a smallish hydrangea.
It is a hydrangea serrata 'kurenai' and I often see it recently. The ornamental flower gradually turns cardinal red from white. It is a smallish hydrangea.
アザミの種 seed of the thistle
Just one glance tells you that the seeds of these thistles are wafted easily in the air.
Just one glance tells you that the seeds of these thistles are wafted easily in the air.
アジサイと昆虫 a hydrangea and insect
It is the insect which I saw for the first time. What are you going to do on the hydrangea?
It is the insect which I saw for the first time. What are you going to do on the hydrangea?
サツキ Rhododendron indicum
It is hard to distinguish an azalea and a rhododendron indicum, because both flower are similar. This plant is a rhododendron indicum, because each flower has five stamens and has bloomed now.
It is hard to distinguish an azalea and a rhododendron indicum, because both flower are similar. This plant is a rhododendron indicum, because each flower has five stamens and has bloomed now.
金の糸 golden thread
アジサイ'紅風車' hydrangea 'beni-fuusya'
This is also a hydrangea serrata same as the yesterday's dance party, but this is a single flower (single-petaled flower).
This is also a hydrangea serrata same as the yesterday's dance party, but this is a single flower (single-petaled flower).
アジサイ'ダンスパーティー' hydrangea 'dance party'
It is the hydrangea 'dance party' that bloomed in a good balance splendidly. Generally, a color of the flowers is light purple because the type of soil in Japan is acid. A pink flower blooms when the type of soil is alkaline.
It is the hydrangea 'dance party' that bloomed in a good balance splendidly. Generally, a color of the flowers is light purple because the type of soil in Japan is acid. A pink flower blooms when the type of soil is alkaline.
カツラ Cercidiphyllum japonicum
After the reddish violet flowers of the trees have fallen, young leaves have begun to grow thick.
After the reddish violet flowers of the trees have fallen, young leaves have begun to grow thick.
秋バラに期待 to expect it in autumn
キョウカノコ Japanese meadowsweet
Flower of the purplish red emerged from the gap of leaves of forsythia which had finished blooming. I got this forsythia around the beginning of this year. Probably the Japanese meadowsweet which attached to forsythia grew up and bloomed. I did not notice existence of Japanese meadowsweet until the flower bloomed.
Flower of the purplish red emerged from the gap of leaves of forsythia which had finished blooming. I got this forsythia around the beginning of this year. Probably the Japanese meadowsweet which attached to forsythia grew up and bloomed. I did not notice existence of Japanese meadowsweet until the flower bloomed.
柿の実 fruit of persimmon
Peach and chestnut seeds take three years to bear fruit, persimmon takes eight.
I planted a one year old sapling of persimmon in my garden, while thinking about whether a tree bears fruit while I live. Three years passed since then, the four years old persimmon has begun to produce many fruits. It seem to achieve that in time.
Peach and chestnut seeds take three years to bear fruit, persimmon takes eight.
I planted a one year old sapling of persimmon in my garden, while thinking about whether a tree bears fruit while I live. Three years passed since then, the four years old persimmon has begun to produce many fruits. It seem to achieve that in time.
シャクヤク herbaceous peony
This is cut flowers that I got from my acquaintance.
The flower of the herbaceous peony resembles the flower of the peony, but there is a difference between them, a herbaceous peony is a grass and a peony is a tree.
"Standing style is as herbaceous peony, sitting as peony,..." is the phrase that liken the figure of the woman to a flower. I think that it is good expression to describe figures of these two flowers.
In English, They merely call both of them "peony". To classify these two I put a word of "herbaceous" on the grass.
herbaceous peony |
peony |
ギンリョウソウ monotropastrum humile (D.Don) H.Hara
This white mysterious object is a parasitic plant which does not have chlorophyl, and is called a ghost mushroom as another name in Japan.
This white mysterious object is a parasitic plant which does not have chlorophyl, and is called a ghost mushroom as another name in Japan.
米ヌカ除草 herbicide effect of rice bran
It is said that scattering rice bran into paddy field right after rice transplanting inhibits the growth of weed.
There are two reasons for that.
・Rice bran blocks the light of the sun.
・Decaying of rice bran make topsoil oxygen-deprived.
In addition, it does not seem to be able to expect effect as manure.
It is said that scattering rice bran into paddy field right after rice transplanting inhibits the growth of weed.
There are two reasons for that.
・Rice bran blocks the light of the sun.
・Decaying of rice bran make topsoil oxygen-deprived.
In addition, it does not seem to be able to expect effect as manure.
カモメ seagull
Originally, a gull is a flocking bird, but I feel that there is dignity of independence in the situation of a gull flying alone.
Originally, a gull is a flocking bird, but I feel that there is dignity of independence in the situation of a gull flying alone.
ゼニアオイ mallow
Mallows grow in the same place of the roadside on its own every year. I think these grass have escaped.
Mallows grow in the same place of the roadside on its own every year. I think these grass have escaped.
霧につつまれた森 forest wrapped in mist
Though I can not see wide view from the peak, but it is pleasant for me to be in fog like this degree, because I feel that I become more independent.
Though I can not see wide view from the peak, but it is pleasant for me to be in fog like this degree, because I feel that I become more independent.
ミネザクラ Japanese alpine cherry
It is a wonderful cherry tree blooming alone and is adapting to neighboring atmospheres.
It is a wonderful cherry tree blooming alone and is adapting to neighboring atmospheres.
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