
ビロードモウズイカ flannel-plant

 石垣の硬さと、ビロードモウズイカの柔らかさとの対比に着目しました。この植物は沢山の名前を持っています。その一つに、アメリカ中西部で呼ばれる、Cowboy Toilet Paper (カウボーイのトイレットペーパー)というユニークな名前があります。

 My focus was on the difference between the hardness of the stone wall and the softness of the flannel plant. Many names have been given to this plant. In the American Midwest, the name for it is Cowboy Toilet Paper, which is a unique name.  It has medicinal effects against skin diseases, so it doesn't cause a rash when in contact with the skin.


金蓮花(キンレンカ) nasturtium


 Nasturtiums bloom for a long period from May through November. This plant, which is native to tropical highlands such as the Andes, is week to both high temperatures, humidity, and cold. All of the leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds are edible.


マンデビラ mandevilla


 Mandevilla is a vine plant that has a long blooming period between early summer and early autumn. This plant is a native of Central and South America, therefore it is not tolerant of cold, so it is grown in pots and kept indoors during winter in Japan.
    Although the flower looks flat in the photo, it is actually trumpet-shaped.


八つ手(ヤツデ) Japanese aralia (Fatsia japonica)


 The leaves of this Japanese aralia are dense and rough, unlike the same as what I remember.


猪独活(シシウド) pubescent angelica


 The Japanese name for this plant means that wild boars dig up the soil and eat the plant roots.
 Wild boars are omnivorous and dig up the soil with their trunks, eating a variety of things. I have seen traces of a hole being dug and the resulting tombstone being toppled. I realized that wild boars have the ability to move with incredible force.


山茶花(サザンカ) sasanqua


  I tried drawing a sasanqua flower as a unrealistic design. I'm trying to convert it into a repeating pattern.


柘榴(ザクロ) pomegranate


 When pomegranate fruits ripen and split open, it appears as if fresh red seeds are spilling out from inside.
 The fruit's lack of nutrients or exposure to high temperatures this year caused it to dry out before it could ripen, unfortunately.


杜鵑草(ホトトギス) toad lily


 Toad lilies are endemic to Japan, but they are not particularly uncommon there. Its English name is "lily looking like toad." What makes it look like a toad? The reason for this is that the spots on the petals resemble the patterns on a toad's chest.
 I think the name makes sense, but I have a slightly creepy impression of amphibians.


真弓(マユミ) Japanese spindle tree


 The fleshy, round, pink fruit seed capsule splits into four parts, and four red seeds are revealed inside. These seeds are poisonous. Interestingly enough, wild birds come to eat these fruits. Despite being toxic to humans, it appears to be harmless to birds. It seems that the birds are capable of digesting the toxins.


野朝顔(ノアサガオ) blue dawnflower


 It is a blue dawnflower that blooms even in November. This flower is perennial, and it blooms again after the aboveground part dies. It's important to be cautious about where you plant it because it grows quickly.


秋明菊(シュウメイギク) Japanese anemone


 Although its Japanese name includes the word "chrysanthemum," it is actually a member of the anemone family. Although both the English and scientific names refer to it as Japanese, it is a plant that was brought to Japan by a Chinese monk, not a native Japanese plant.
 In China, it is called autumn peony, but as mentioned earlier, it is not a member of the peony family. The original species had reddish-purple double blooms, which made them look similar to peonies.


鶏頭(ケイトウ) cockscomb;scientific name : Celosia argentea


 When it comes to flowers of cockscombs, in the past, fan-shaped flowers were the mainstream, but nowadays, flaming cone-shaped flowers are more commonly seen.
 I've heard that the flowers are edible and delicious, but I'm not interested in eating them because it sounds like biting into a chicken's head.
 The scientific name of the flower comes from the Greek word keleos, meaning burning.


日々草(ニチニチソウ) Madagascar periwinkle



 Even though the Madagascar periwinkle flowers have a gentle appearance, the entire plant is poisonous. Fortunately, it's not tasty, so there's a slim chance of food poisoning.

 On a different note, this flower has five petals. I think that many things in nature are composed of five parts. For example, each human limb has five fingers.
 At this point, I suddenly wondered how to translate this sentence into English. Because I have previously learned that the thumb is not a finger. This means that the thumb is opposable to the other four fingers and has a different function.
 When I looked into it, I found that when used as a collective term to refer to the fingers of the hand, it is not incorrect to call the thumb a finger. As for the toes, they are never called fingers.


大透翅(オオスカシバ) pellucid hawk moth


 The pellucid hawk moth hovers and sucks nectar from a flower with its straw-like proboscis. I don't think they play a role in pollination because they don't perch on a flower. It may be hard for them to perch on a small flower due to their large wingspan, which is between 5 and 7 cm.
 I don’t really like big hairy moths. I don't want to encounter them, so I would like them to be active at night. Unfortunately, pellucid hawk moths are active during daylight hours.


ダリア dahlia


 I'm wondering if this is what the center of a dahlia flower looks like.