
酔仙翁(スイセンノウ) Lychnis coronaria


 The plant's unique atmosphere is created by the vivid purple-crimson flowers and leaves and stems covered with white hairs that give it the softness of flannel. You will never forget the grass once you see it.


アメリカ風露(フウロ) geranium


 After a flower falls, a horn appears and black berries form at the base. After a while, seeds scatter around. The red leaves are visually appealing. They say that the thinner the soil, the more red it becomes.


赤詰草(アカツメクサ) red clover


 The Japanese name for this grass means 'red stuffing grass'. Red refers to the color of the flower, but I wasn't sure what the grass filling was. When I looked up what stuffed grass was, I found the following. Glass products imported from the Netherlands to Japan used this grass as a cushioning material in the past. The grass had protected the glass. (lol)


ナヨクサフジ hairy vetch


 I see them flourishing vigorously in the meadow. The brightly colored flowers are beautiful, but this naturalized plant is said to deprive native species of their habitat. Some say that it can be used as feed for livestock, others say that it makes cattle sick when they eat it.
 There is a similar type of grass is the native Kusafuji, but its numbers are decreasing rapidly. The color of Kusafuji's flowers is not as flashy as that of Hairy vetch.


梅花空木(バイカウツギ) bikautugi


 I feel a refreshing feeling in the flowers of Bika-Utugi.
 The origin of the Japanese name of the tree, ’Bika-Utugi', comes from the fact that the flowers resemble plums and the stems are hollow. 'Bika' means plum flowers and 'Utugi' means the stem has a hollow stem.
 I feel that this name is not appropriate for the tree.


レディエマハミルトン lady emma hamilton


 Lady Emma Hamilton's soft orange color is pleasant.


パパメイアン papa meilland


 I took a photo of a Papa Meilland, but I couldn't depict the deep red color and the velvety texture. So I tried to darken it, but the depiction is still far from the real thing. I don't usually pay too much attention to the quality of my photos, but when it comes to Papa Meilland, of which I have a lot of feelings for, I want to be particular about that.


安曇野(アズミノ) azumino


 This is Azumino, a climbing rose constructed domestically in Japan. I heard that it looks good if you graft a climbing rose on a tall rootstock and make it into a weeping style, but I haven't seen it yet.


昼咲月見草(ヒルザキツキミソウ) pinkladies


 It is characterized by the cross-shaped tip of the pistil. Despite its appearance, it is very hardy and grows naturally by the side of parking lots.


アンジェラ Angela


 I believe Angela, a climbing and multi-flowered plant, is ideal for decorating walls.


ジャガイモ potato


 It's a surprise that potatoes are part of the nightshade family. Come to think of it, potato flowers and eggplant flowers have a similar appearance.


ドレスデン dresden

 重なり合った花びらが渦を巻いているようで、見ていると視線が花の中心に誘われます。 受粉昆虫も同様に吸い込まれていくのでしょうか?

 The overlapping petals look like they are swirling, and when I am looking at them, my eyes are invited to the center of the flower. Are pollinating insects also attracted in the same way?


カルミア mountain laurel


 The tips of the stamens are stuck to the petals, but when pollinating insects arrive, they turn themselves over and attach pollen to the backs of the insects.. Although it is a plant, it moves like an animal. I would like to see that movement.


ジャルダンドゥフランス Jardins de France


 Several flowers bloom on one flower stalk, so the plant looks like a bouquet gathering.


ポピー poppy


 The bud, flower, and fruit were all captured in one shot.


玉葱(タマネギ) onion


 A half-cut onion was growing without being seen in one corner of the refrigerator. Something with a strong smell may have strong vitality.


クレマチス clematis


 Clematis is not being taken care of in my garden. The flowers look pale, probably due to lack of nutrients or poor soil.


茗荷(ミョウガ) myoga(Japanese ginger)



 In one corner of my garden, Japanese ginger stems, actually rolled leaves, were growing. I'm sure there were Hanamyouga, also known simply as myoga, growing a while ago, but I didn't notice them.

 It is said that eating ginger can make you stupid. The basis for this comes from the following legend. One of Buddha's disciples had a terribly bad memory; he could not remember his own name until he died. After his death myoga have grown on his grabe.


鈴蘭(スズラン) lily of the valley


 It appears to have come from somewhere, and lilies of the valley bloom in a corner of my garden every year, even though I don't do anything about it. It doesn't suit its appearance and has a strong water-soluble poison, so it's better to avoid using it in bouquets or other decorative arrangements.


牡丹(ボタン) peony


 I went to a temple where various peonies were blooming, but they had already finished blooming. By some kind of coincidence, on my way home, I came across peonies that were about to bloom on the roadside.


姫卯木(ヒメウツギ) Deutzia gracilis


 This is Deutzia gracilis that is often seen on mountain trails and has small flowers scattered all over its branches.


白櫤(シロダモ) Neolitsea sericea


 The drooping leaves that are young, yellow-brown, hairy make a distinctive appearance in the green groves.


松の花 pine flower


 Pine flowers are flowers that are pollinated by wind. As there is no need to attract insects, the flower is simple and has no petals also.


菖蒲(アヤメ) iris


 These iris grow wild by a small wayside shrine dedicated to a local god. The red pillars in the background are Torii gates painted in vermilion. It is said that this vermilion color has a meaning to ward off evil spirits.


青梅大祭 Ome festival


 It is said that the festival that utilizes floats began in 1513. In the past, Dolls were displayed on floats, but at the end of the Meiji period, they were taken down because electric wires were built.
 The festival is held on May 2nd and 3rd every year in Ome City, located in the northwestern part of Tokyo.

ready to go

(sorce) ometaisai home page

one of the float dolls on the ground


岩梨(イワナシ) Epigaea asiatica


 Epigaea asiatica is a rare plant species. This time, I was fortunate enough to come across the plant, but I don't think I will meet it again when it bears fruit.


強い風 strong wind


 Spring is a season when the wind is strong and blows, making it difficult to take pictures because the flowers shake. The reason for this is that in spring in Japan, there are many passages with well-developed low pressure systems, and stronger sunlight leads to more active air convection.


ツツジの生け花 azalea flower arrangement


 This is an azalea flower arrangement, using the corner of a narrow entrance. I think this exhibition utilizes the space effectively. It's unfortunate that the flowers and leaves overlap at the bottom in the back. To me, removing the flowers from that part would be the better option. I'm sorry for saying unnecessary things.


赤い新芽 red sprout


 The red maple buds are so tightly bound that I haven't seen them before. The following information was given to me by someone who is knowledgeable about plants. The 'Deshojo', a Japanese maple type, is what it looks like. 
 This is the first time I've heard the name 'Deshojo', but it seems to be a maple tree that is generally planted as a garden tree.