The scientific name of the white color cluster amaryllis is Lycoris albiflora.
In reacent years, I often see white colored cluster amaryllis, Lycoris albiflora, in Tokyo. Originally, there seemed to be many in Kyushu. I'm wondering if there is an effect of climate warming or artificial causes.
By the way, I heard that the white cluster amaryllis were made by "mating" the vermilion cluster amaryllis and the yellow cluster amaryllis. Speaking to the vermilion cluster amaryllis, it is tripled and sterility plant.
The truth would be something like this. The cluster amaryllis in Japan are a tripled plant, but there might be also diploid cluster amaryllis in China. White cluster amaryllis were born in Chine. If so, do white cluster amaryllis in Japan have seeds?
ランタナ(七変化) lantana
It is said that the color of Lantana's flowers changes gradually, but I've never seen the change because I meet the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of individual flowers.
My keyboard is not working properly, the "u" buttn does not respond well and "" character often drop ot. I shold by a new one.
It is said that the color of Lantana's flowers changes gradually, but I've never seen the change because I meet the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of individual flowers.
My keyboard is not working properly, the "u" buttn does not respond well and "" character often drop ot. I shold by a new one.
サルビア scarlet sage
Scarlet sage was blooming on the roadside. The scarlet colour is impressive.
Scarlet sage was blooming on the roadside. The scarlet colour is impressive.
彼岸花 cluster amaryllis
The cluster amaryllis have flowers, but cannot make seeds. However, the bulbs split and increase, so they always grow in colonies.
The cluster amaryllis have flowers, but cannot make seeds. However, the bulbs split and increase, so they always grow in colonies.
ホオズキ Chinese lantern plant
A fruit of Chinese lantern looks like a tomato. It is the same solanaceous plant as a tomato. After the flower blooms, the calyx develops and wrap the fruit, and when it ripens, it turns vermilion and then loses its color and becomes only ribs. The husk that looks like goldwork has a kind of taste.
A fruit of Chinese lantern looks like a tomato. It is the same solanaceous plant as a tomato. After the flower blooms, the calyx develops and wrap the fruit, and when it ripens, it turns vermilion and then loses its color and becomes only ribs. The husk that looks like goldwork has a kind of taste.
Looking forward to the future |
カレンボク Cancer tree
A friend of mine told me that there was a big tree with strange fruits, so we went to see it. The fruit looks like gathered bananas. It has no scent. It is a tree with a standout characteristic, but it is the first time to see it. The name was taught from the Internet search board.
A friend of mine told me that there was a big tree with strange fruits, so we went to see it. The fruit looks like gathered bananas. It has no scent. It is a tree with a standout characteristic, but it is the first time to see it. The name was taught from the Internet search board.
ヤマホトトギス Tricyrtis macropoda
The two stories-shape flower is strange.
I can't approach the flower, because the scaffolding was bad. So this picture became a bit blurry.
The two stories-shape flower is strange.
I can't approach the flower, because the scaffolding was bad. So this picture became a bit blurry.
ゴーヤ bitter gourd
This year, I have planted a bitter gourd at the entryway, but I have been able to harvest only a few fruits. I suppose it was due to the low templature of the first half of this summer and the place doesn't have enough sunshine.
This year, I have planted a bitter gourd at the entryway, but I have been able to harvest only a few fruits. I suppose it was due to the low templature of the first half of this summer and the place doesn't have enough sunshine.
黄色いカンナ yellow Kanna
I just saw vermilion cannas the other day, but this time I met yellow cannas. They have fruits also. I had never seen the fruits before. No, I suppose that I simply didn't notice them.
If the mind is absent, I can't see it, can't hear it, can't even know its taste.
I just saw vermilion cannas the other day, but this time I met yellow cannas. They have fruits also. I had never seen the fruits before. No, I suppose that I simply didn't notice them.
If the mind is absent, I can't see it, can't hear it, can't even know its taste.
落花生の収穫 peanut harvest
It goes well with beer, whether they boil or roast it.
When the crows begin to scoop them, it is time to harvest for peanuts.
I wonder how crows learned that.
It goes well with beer, whether they boil or roast it.
When the crows begin to scoop them, it is time to harvest for peanuts.
I wonder how crows learned that.
ヒネム Calliandra
The shape of flowers and leaves of this tree is very similar to Silk tree, but this tree is a Calliandra which is different from species of Silk tree. Silk tree flowers end in July, but the Calliandra is still blooming in September. It is a good for garden tree because it grows only about 1m in high.
The shape of flowers and leaves of this tree is very similar to Silk tree, but this tree is a Calliandra which is different from species of Silk tree. Silk tree flowers end in July, but the Calliandra is still blooming in September. It is a good for garden tree because it grows only about 1m in high.
ハクウンボクの実 fruits of Styrax obassia
(2019年10月22日 訂正:イチジク → 枇杷の実)
Before the fruit ripens, it contains poisonous saponin, but when it ripens the poisonous ingredient disappears and becomes a good food for birds.
I think that there is a poison before ripening to protect the species.
The fruits offig tree loquat also contain a poisonous ingredient before they ripen, I had a bad experience when I ate unripe its fruits. Apparently, I seem to be inferior to birds.
(Corrected on October 22, 2019 :fig tree → loquat)
(2019年10月22日 訂正:
Before the fruit ripens, it contains poisonous saponin, but when it ripens the poisonous ingredient disappears and becomes a good food for birds.
I think that there is a poison before ripening to protect the species.
The fruits of
(Corrected on October 22, 2019 :
カンナの実 fruits of Canna
This is my first time to see the fruits of Canna. If I scatter the seeds, I wonder whether they sprout.
This is my first time to see the fruits of Canna. If I scatter the seeds, I wonder whether they sprout.
迷惑カラス troublesome crows
What attracts crows to the skylight?
The mischief of crows to the skylight of my home still continues. The neighboring house has the same skylight, but crows come only to my house.
I've heard that this crow's cry recorded on the Video means "Run away" in crow language. I playbacked it in the room to drive away the crows, but the crows don't run away and continue pulling packing of the window.
What attracts crows to the skylight?
The mischief of crows to the skylight of my home still continues. The neighboring house has the same skylight, but crows come only to my house.
I've heard that this crow's cry recorded on the Video means "Run away" in crow language. I playbacked it in the room to drive away the crows, but the crows don't run away and continue pulling packing of the window.
ヤマゴボウ Pokeweed
We often see pokeweeds in blank space. I think no one eats it because of it has toxic appearance. Exactly, it's a poisonous plant. I would like to use this juice to dye something someday.
We often see pokeweeds in blank space. I think no one eats it because of it has toxic appearance. Exactly, it's a poisonous plant. I would like to use this juice to dye something someday.
ボタンクサギ Clerodendrum bungei
Many red-purple flowers are densely blooming in a sphere shape. When I look at a flower closely, it looks like a flower of Clerodendrum trichotomum. It smells strange when I rub the leaves.
Many red-purple flowers are densely blooming in a sphere shape. When I look at a flower closely, it looks like a flower of Clerodendrum trichotomum. It smells strange when I rub the leaves.
閉鎖花 cleistogamous flower
The appearance of the flower resembles Touch-me-not, so I thought it was a Touch-me-not Balsom at first, but the leaves are different. The leaves are slender like a sword and are alternate. And there are many flowers that bloom vertically.
Open mouth of the flower is blocked by a yellow protrusion like a head of a sperm whale from behind. When I pull up a upper petal, I can observe a pistil and few stamens. I suppose this is because self-pollination don't need a lot of pollen.
The appearance of the flower resembles Touch-me-not, so I thought it was a Touch-me-not Balsom at first, but the leaves are different. The leaves are slender like a sword and are alternate. And there are many flowers that bloom vertically.
Open mouth of the flower is blocked by a yellow protrusion like a head of a sperm whale from behind. When I pull up a upper petal, I can observe a pistil and few stamens. I suppose this is because self-pollination don't need a lot of pollen.
This dent makes the yellow head of a sperm whale.
Append on September 20, 2019
Someone told me that the name of this flower is Linaria vulgaris.
Someone told me that the name of this flower is Linaria vulgaris.
十五夜 full moon night
It is full moon, tonight, we call the night "Jugo-ya." We enjoy the viewing full moon with offering some Silver grasses, rice dumpling and vegetables to God.
The weather is unluckily cloudy.
Viewing the moon, I feel so sad in many ways,
Autumn has come not for me alone,
But I feel sad only myself.(old poem ; Ooeno Chisato)
Japanese people feel that the moon seen in autumn is the most beautiful. And we feel sadness in autumn when all things wither and cold winter comes close.
It is full moon, tonight, we call the night "Jugo-ya." We enjoy the viewing full moon with offering some Silver grasses, rice dumpling and vegetables to God.
The weather is unluckily cloudy.
Viewing the moon, I feel so sad in many ways,
Autumn has come not for me alone,
But I feel sad only myself.(old poem ; Ooeno Chisato)
Japanese people feel that the moon seen in autumn is the most beautiful. And we feel sadness in autumn when all things wither and cold winter comes close.
ゴマ sesame
Strange plants which I saw for the first time stood side by side in the field.
A farmer told me that they were sesame trees with all leaves removed in preparation for the typhoon. I understood it.
Strange plants which I saw for the first time stood side by side in the field.
A farmer told me that they were sesame trees with all leaves removed in preparation for the typhoon. I understood it.
フヨウ Cotton rosemallow
Each flower of Cotton rosemallow, Shrubby althaea and Hollyhock are very similar. I think this flower is Cotton rosemallow because the tip of the pistil is divided into five pieces.
Each flower of Cotton rosemallow, Shrubby althaea and Hollyhock are very similar. I think this flower is Cotton rosemallow because the tip of the pistil is divided into five pieces.
ルコウソウ cypress vine
A climbing cypress vine has covered a blueberry tree. Climbing plants are good efficient sunbathe systems. They stretch horizontally if there is nothing around them, and climb up as if wrapping around if there are tall things in neighbor.
A climbing cypress vine has covered a blueberry tree. Climbing plants are good efficient sunbathe systems. They stretch horizontally if there is nothing around them, and climb up as if wrapping around if there are tall things in neighbor.
秋祭り autumn festival
After walking around the town, the portable shrine climbed up the stairs and entered the shrine at the end of the festival.
After walking around the town, the portable shrine climbed up the stairs and entered the shrine at the end of the festival.
ノアズキ(野小豆) Dunbaria villosa
Yellow flowers are blooming beside of Sweet Autumn Clematises on a fence that runs alongside a railroad.
This is my first time to see this climbing plant that has characteristics of legume. The leaves are ternate compound leaves, and the flowers are elusive. It probably Dunbaria villosa.
Identification is as fun as solving a puzzle.
Yellow flowers are blooming beside of Sweet Autumn Clematises on a fence that runs alongside a railroad.
This is my first time to see this climbing plant that has characteristics of legume. The leaves are ternate compound leaves, and the flowers are elusive. It probably Dunbaria villosa.
Identification is as fun as solving a puzzle.
Yellow: Dunbaria villosa, White: Sweet Autumn Clematise |
シベの先 tip of stamen & pistil
ヤマボウシの実 fruit of Kousa Dogwood
Fruits of Kousa Dogwood are ripening. When I eat raw, I feel it is a little rough, but is sweet and delicious.
It's hard to see in this photo, but a spider is weaving his thread like drawing diagrams between the thorns on the surface of the fruit.
Most people feel weird of these spines, so they can't eat it.
Fruits of Kousa Dogwood are ripening. When I eat raw, I feel it is a little rough, but is sweet and delicious.
It's hard to see in this photo, but a spider is weaving his thread like drawing diagrams between the thorns on the surface of the fruit.
Most people feel weird of these spines, so they can't eat it.
ヤモリ Japanese gecko
In the summer night, Japanese geckos appear on the outside of a window glass of a lighted room. When a small moth flies near the geckos, they eat it at once. I can observe such a scene from inside the room separated a board of glass. They never enter into the room.
In the past, the under floor was treated several times with insecticide for termite control. I am worried about it might affect their ecosystem.
In the summer night, Japanese geckos appear on the outside of a window glass of a lighted room. When a small moth flies near the geckos, they eat it at once. I can observe such a scene from inside the room separated a board of glass. They never enter into the room.
In the past, the under floor was treated several times with insecticide for termite control. I am worried about it might affect their ecosystem.
赤錆取り red rust stripping
I heard that wood glue is effective for stripping of red rust, so I tried it.
It was very effective for the red rust that floated thinly on the smooth plating surface. However, the effect cannot be expected for terrible red rust or red rust on the uneven surface.
The ingredients label said it contains two components: vinyl acetate and water. I think that vinyl acetate does not cause a chemical change with iron oxide, simply its sticky property wraps around floating red rust physically and strips the rust.
I thought it was a good idea to be able to remove the red rust at the initial stage using with a familiar good.
Any trouble must be dealt with at an early stage.
1.Apply a lot of the glue on red rust.
2.Wait until the glue becomes transparent after drying.
3.Pull off the glue slowly from the edge.
4.Paint clear lacquer, etc., or apply oil to prevent further rust.
I heard that wood glue is effective for stripping of red rust, so I tried it.
It was very effective for the red rust that floated thinly on the smooth plating surface. However, the effect cannot be expected for terrible red rust or red rust on the uneven surface.
The ingredients label said it contains two components: vinyl acetate and water. I think that vinyl acetate does not cause a chemical change with iron oxide, simply its sticky property wraps around floating red rust physically and strips the rust.
I thought it was a good idea to be able to remove the red rust at the initial stage using with a familiar good.
Any trouble must be dealt with at an early stage.
1.Apply a lot of the glue on red rust.
2.Wait until the glue becomes transparent after drying.
3.Pull off the glue slowly from the edge.
4.Paint clear lacquer, etc., or apply oil to prevent further rust.
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source: Konishi Co., Ltd |
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