
シロバナマンジュシャゲ Lycoris albiflora




The scientific name of the white color cluster amaryllis is Lycoris albiflora.
In reacent years, I often see white colored cluster amaryllis, Lycoris albiflora, in Tokyo. Originally, there seemed to be many in Kyushu. I'm wondering if there is an effect of climate warming or artificial causes.

By the way, I heard that the white cluster amaryllis were made by "mating" the vermilion cluster amaryllis and the yellow cluster amaryllis. Speaking to the vermilion cluster amaryllis, it is tripled and sterility plant.

The truth would be something like this. The cluster amaryllis in Japan are a tripled plant, but there might be also diploid cluster amaryllis in China. White cluster amaryllis were born in Chine. If so, do white cluster amaryllis in Japan have seeds?

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