
雪解百合(ユキゲユリ) glory of the snow Chionodoxa

 雪解百合(ユキゲユリ)の英名は、グローリー・オブ・ザ・スノウ(glory of the snow)です。学名のchionodoxa はギリシア語に由来します。 前半のchionは雪、後半のdoxaは輝きを意味します。和名、英名、学名のいずれにも雪が名前の中にあります。春を告げる可愛らしい花です。

 The Japanese name includes the meaning of melting snow. The English name is glory of the snow. The genus name chionodoxa is derived from the Greek words. The first half, chion, means snow, and second half doxa means glory. The Japanese name, English name, and scientific name all have snow in their names. The lovely flowers that usher in spring.
 In Japan, it is commonly called Chionodoxa instead of the Japanese name Yukige-Yuri. Probably because the pronunciation of Chionodoxa is like Japanese.

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