
猿滑(サルスベリ) crape-myrtle


 Due to its smooth surface, the tree is named as 'Monkey Sliding' in Japan. I was told that the wood is tough and is employed as railroad ties or other things. The tree doesn't grow very large, and the trunk and branches are very twisted and wavy. I'm curious if it could be used as railroad ties.


俯瞰 bird's-eye view


 A gentle river boat tour is depicted in this photo. The boat passengers appear to be in a relaxed and enjoyable mood as they enjoy the scenery. I was receiving cheers and waves from them. At the same time, I was walking awkwardly, trying to maintain my balance on the swaying suspension bridge, feeling frightened.


紅葉(こうよう) autumn leaves


 厳密な定義では、黄色に変わるのを黄葉(こうよう、おうよう)、赤色に変わるのを紅葉(こうよう)、褐色に変わるのを褐葉(かつよう)と呼びます。 その定義においては、赤く紅葉(こうよう)したと言うのは冗長であり、黄色く紅葉(こうよう)したと言うのはちぐはぐな表現です。

 The sun is shining on this graveyard. There are two Japanese maples (momiji in Japanese) in this location, and one of them has leaves that turn  brilliant crimson.
 "Momiji" is one of the most beloved trees in Japan, due to its vibrant autumn foliage.

 Leaves that change color before falling are called "crimson leaves" in Japan, regardless of their color.
 Strictly speaking, leaves that turn yellow are called "yellow leaves" (kouyou or ouyou in Japanese), not "crimson leaves," leaves that turn red/crimson are called "crimson leaves" (kouyou in Japanese), and leaves that turn brown are called "brown leaves" (katsuyou in Japanese), not "crimson leaves," By that definition, saying the leaves have turned red/crimson as "crimson leaves" is redundant, and saying the leaves have turned yellow as "crimson leaves" is an incoherent expression.
 To make things even more confusing, both "crimson leaves" and "Japanese maples" are written in the same kanji as "紅葉." Furthermore, botanically, both Japanese maples (momiji in Japanese) and maples (kaede in Japanese) are classified as maples (kaede), and the official name for Japanese maples (momiji in Japanese) is kaede.


もみじ狩り leaf peeping


 A small park is located near my home, and the tall Japanese maples are so thick that they cover the sky. Leaf peeping can be done in peace and quiet because there aren't many people here.


ビロードモウズイカ flannel-plant

 石垣の硬さと、ビロードモウズイカの柔らかさとの対比に着目しました。この植物は沢山の名前を持っています。その一つに、アメリカ中西部で呼ばれる、Cowboy Toilet Paper (カウボーイのトイレットペーパー)というユニークな名前があります。

 My focus was on the difference between the hardness of the stone wall and the softness of the flannel plant. Many names have been given to this plant. In the American Midwest, the name for it is Cowboy Toilet Paper, which is a unique name.  It has medicinal effects against skin diseases, so it doesn't cause a rash when in contact with the skin.


金蓮花(キンレンカ) nasturtium


 Nasturtiums bloom for a long period from May through November. This plant, which is native to tropical highlands such as the Andes, is week to both high temperatures, humidity, and cold. All of the leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds are edible.


マンデビラ mandevilla


 Mandevilla is a vine plant that has a long blooming period between early summer and early autumn. This plant is a native of Central and South America, therefore it is not tolerant of cold, so it is grown in pots and kept indoors during winter in Japan.
    Although the flower looks flat in the photo, it is actually trumpet-shaped.


八つ手(ヤツデ) Japanese aralia (Fatsia japonica)


 The leaves of this Japanese aralia are dense and rough, unlike the same as what I remember.


猪独活(シシウド) pubescent angelica


 The Japanese name for this plant means that wild boars dig up the soil and eat the plant roots.
 Wild boars are omnivorous and dig up the soil with their trunks, eating a variety of things. I have seen traces of a hole being dug and the resulting tombstone being toppled. I realized that wild boars have the ability to move with incredible force.


山茶花(サザンカ) sasanqua


  I tried drawing a sasanqua flower as a unrealistic design. I'm trying to convert it into a repeating pattern.


柘榴(ザクロ) pomegranate


 When pomegranate fruits ripen and split open, it appears as if fresh red seeds are spilling out from inside.
 The fruit's lack of nutrients or exposure to high temperatures this year caused it to dry out before it could ripen, unfortunately.


杜鵑草(ホトトギス) toad lily


 Toad lilies are endemic to Japan, but they are not particularly uncommon there. Its English name is "lily looking like toad." What makes it look like a toad? The reason for this is that the spots on the petals resemble the patterns on a toad's chest.
 I think the name makes sense, but I have a slightly creepy impression of amphibians.


真弓(マユミ) Japanese spindle tree


 The fleshy, round, pink fruit seed capsule splits into four parts, and four red seeds are revealed inside. These seeds are poisonous. Interestingly enough, wild birds come to eat these fruits. Despite being toxic to humans, it appears to be harmless to birds. It seems that the birds are capable of digesting the toxins.


野朝顔(ノアサガオ) blue dawnflower


 It is a blue dawnflower that blooms even in November. This flower is perennial, and it blooms again after the aboveground part dies. It's important to be cautious about where you plant it because it grows quickly.


秋明菊(シュウメイギク) Japanese anemone


 Although its Japanese name includes the word "chrysanthemum," it is actually a member of the anemone family. Although both the English and scientific names refer to it as Japanese, it is a plant that was brought to Japan by a Chinese monk, not a native Japanese plant.
 In China, it is called autumn peony, but as mentioned earlier, it is not a member of the peony family. The original species had reddish-purple double blooms, which made them look similar to peonies.


鶏頭(ケイトウ) cockscomb;scientific name : Celosia argentea


 When it comes to flowers of cockscombs, in the past, fan-shaped flowers were the mainstream, but nowadays, flaming cone-shaped flowers are more commonly seen.
 I've heard that the flowers are edible and delicious, but I'm not interested in eating them because it sounds like biting into a chicken's head.
 The scientific name of the flower comes from the Greek word keleos, meaning burning.


日々草(ニチニチソウ) Madagascar periwinkle



 Even though the Madagascar periwinkle flowers have a gentle appearance, the entire plant is poisonous. Fortunately, it's not tasty, so there's a slim chance of food poisoning.

 On a different note, this flower has five petals. I think that many things in nature are composed of five parts. For example, each human limb has five fingers.
 At this point, I suddenly wondered how to translate this sentence into English. Because I have previously learned that the thumb is not a finger. This means that the thumb is opposable to the other four fingers and has a different function.
 When I looked into it, I found that when used as a collective term to refer to the fingers of the hand, it is not incorrect to call the thumb a finger. As for the toes, they are never called fingers.


大透翅(オオスカシバ) pellucid hawk moth


 The pellucid hawk moth hovers and sucks nectar from a flower with its straw-like proboscis. I don't think they play a role in pollination because they don't perch on a flower. It may be hard for them to perch on a small flower due to their large wingspan, which is between 5 and 7 cm.
 I don’t really like big hairy moths. I don't want to encounter them, so I would like them to be active at night. Unfortunately, pellucid hawk moths are active during daylight hours.


ダリア dahlia


 I'm wondering if this is what the center of a dahlia flower looks like.


コスモス Cosmos


 The ring-like gradient circle of pale blue to purple at the base of the pale yellow petals is beautiful.


ベゴニア Begonia


 The dark green leaves are emphasizing the red flowers.


色鉛筆 colored pencils


 It is a mental image of light and shadow created by the overlapping petals of a red rose.


印度素馨(インドソケイ、プルメリア) frangipani


 In Hawaii this flower is also used to make lei. I'm sure some of you have received a lei when you arrived at the airport in Hawaii. It's possible that this flower was also used in the lei.
 On the other hand, in Cambodia, it is used as a tribute to be placed in a casket.


ドレスデン dresden


 Dresden is a city name in German and the name has also been given to the flower. Therefore, I had thought that the flower was born in Germany. However, I discovered that the roses were actually made in France. The name was initially named Mathé Altéry, in honor of the French singer, but I'm interested in why the name was changed to Dresden.


マングース根絶 Mongoose-free


 It seems that all of the mongooses, a designated invasive species, that live on Amami Oshima Island in southwestern Japan have been eradicated.
 About 45 years ago, a few dozen of mongooses were released onto the island in an effort to eradicate the venomous Habu snake. However, contrary to initial expectations, the mongooses did not become natural enemies of the Habu snakes, but instead became natural enemies of rare native Amami rabbits and other animals. After that, the mongoose population kept growing, reaching a peak of around 10,000.
 Mongoose eradication began in 2005, and in 2024,the Environment Agency has announced that all individuals appear to have been eradicated. It took a long periods.  During that period, around 33,000 mongooses were killed. Additionally, the mongoose would have preyed on many animals in life to survive.
 The natural environment is a complex system that is still beyond human comprehension. It is important to understand that we should not lightly artificial tamper with the ecosystem, such as the migration of animals and plants.


ダリア dahlia


 Apparently, whole dahlia flowers are sold as tempura. I have an interest in trying it someday.


コスモス cosmos


 A cosmos flower, blooming as if it were a cup-shaped flower, is allowed to penetrate the setting sun.


彼岸花(ヒガンバナ) spider lily


 Red and white spider lilies were blooming in the field edge. White spider lilies have a weak reproductive ability, so they are not as common as red spider lilies.


柿(カキ) persimmon



 An abandoned persimmon tree. Despite losing most of its leaves, it still has a lot of fruit left.
 Persimmons are well-known for their high sugar content, but it's surprising that astringent persimmons have a higher sugar content than sweet persimmons.
When astringent persimmons are exposed to the sun and dried, the moisture and astringency are removed and the sugar content increases to 50%, approaching the sugar content of honey, which is 80%.

 Bears' habitats have begun to overlap with those of humans in recent years, which has resulted in an increase in human damage.
Sweet persimmons, like honey, may also attract bears.
Frequently, we receive reports of bear sightings from City Hall.
However, next month will be the final month for the bears' active season.
 There are two bear species found in Japan, brown bears and Asian black bears, excluding zoos. Brown bears are restricted to Hokkaido, while black bears are found from Honshu southward.



 An AI app drew a picture of Winnie the Pooh.


熟したゴーヤ mature bitter melon


 When bitter melon fruits ripen, the surface turns vermilion and loses its shape. As a result, seeds covered in a slimy red substance emerge. I heard that this red substance is delicious, so I tried to pinch it with my fingers, but it just slip right through my fingers.
Using disposable chopsticks, which have a non-skid nature, I put them in my mouth and tasted a slight sweetness.
The substance attached to the seeds was so little that even if I ate a lot of seeds, it didn't feel like I had eaten anything.


雌待宵草(メマツヨイグサ) common evening primrose


 I was told that these flowers open larger in the dark, so I went to see them after dark, but I couldn't observe any change. I've also heard  that the flower begins blooming during the day when the temperature drops in autumn. It suddenly struck me that it's autumn and the temperature has dropped, maybe the brightness is no longer an issue.


アメリカアサガオ Ivyleaf morning glory


 The ivyleaf morning glory is distinctive in the shape of its leaves and the color of its flowers. The leaves have three to five deep notches and the flowers are typically light blue.
 Naturalized morning glories, such as Ivyleaf morning glory, small-flowered white morning-glory (posted on September 27, 2024), and red morning-glory (posted on September 21, 2024), are plants of the Convolvulaceae family and can cause significant crop damage, especially in soybean fields.


キクイモ Jerusalem artichoke



 Many yellow flowers were blooming along the waterway. It looks like a Jerusalem artichoke flower, but it is short, about 1 meters tall, so it does not appear to be the flower. There are many plants that have flowers that resemble Jerusalem artichoke. It's challenging to determine its true identity for me.

 I've grown Jerusalem artichoke before, and it is an incredibly vigorous plant that will grow back even after I stop growing it, if there are any tubers left over. The tubers were delicious when sliced and fried in oil. However, it's not worth buying and eating.


ナガコガネグモ wasp spider


 The wasp spider spins their web vertically at about waist height position and take up position in the center, waiting patiently for prey to get caught in the web.
 The spider web has zigzag pattern above and below the center. The upper zigzagging is almost gone. I wonder what does its purpose? It's possible that this is for reinforcement.


黄実莢蒾(キミノガマズミ) Yellow-Fruited European Cranberry

 ガマズミ(cranberry tree)の実といえば色は赤ですが、これは黄色い実をつけるキミノガマズミです。待っていても赤くはなりません。

 When it comes to the cranberry tree, you imagine it to have red fruits. However, this cranberry tree has yellow fruits, so it is accurately called yellow-fruited European cranberry. Waiting won't cause it to turn red.


牡丹臭木(ボタンクサギ) rose glorybower


 Rose glorybowers and harlequin glory bowers have similar flower shapes, as their names suggest. The flower color of rose glorybower is pink, while that of harlequin glory bower is white. 
 Although it is not a flower of a rose glorybower, I posted a photo of its fruits on October 6, 2024. Please take a look if you are interested.


菊セザンヌ spray-mum Cezanne


 Why is this chrysanthemum named after the painter Paul Cézanne? Cézanne's still life paintings of apples rather than chrysanthemums are what I think of when I think of him. 


ムラサキルエリア minnieroot


 Shade is the preferred environment for minnieroot. The petals have a surface that resembles a silk fabric with fine wrinkles (crepe).


サフランモドキ Zephyranthes carinata


 Viewing the Zephyranthes carinata flowers at their best is almost over. I chose a beautiful blooming one and captured a picture of it.
  Zephyranthes carinata is a member of the amaryllis family, namely it contains toxic substances. The bulbs have especially strong poisonous.
 Putting that aside, Japanese name of this flower is called "imitation-saffron crocus."  Having "imitation" in a name somehow gives off an image of deception, It's a pity name.


臭木(クサギ) harlequin glory bower

 和名は、直截的な表現なので、名付けられた理由がわかりやすいですが、英名はなぜharlequin (道化師) glory (栄光) bower (農夫)となったのか想像がつきません。カッコ内の和訳は適切でないかも知れません。

 The fruits of the harlequin glory bower have a blue-purple luster that is similar to jewels. They say the fruit is used to make indigo dye.
 The Japanese name (stinky tree) is straightforward and easy to understand why it was named that way, but I cannot imagine why the English name is harlequin glory bower.


美女桜(ビジョザクラ) garden verbena


 The name of this plant is written as "美女桜" in Japanese. The literal meaning of the name is "beauty-lady-cherry tree".
 There are many plants that have the word "桜", meaning 'cherry tree', in their names, which shows how deeply imprinted the cherry blossom is in the hearts of Japanese.


花虎ノ尾(ハナトラノオ) Physostegia virginiana


 Perillas grow in my garden every year, even though I have no activity. That's fine, but they grow too much, so thinning out is necessary.
 Since the Physostegia virginiana in this photo is also a member of the Perillas family, it is also reproductive and grows well. The flower spike has many flowers arranged vertically and blooming in four directions.


トレニア Trenia


 Many violet-like Torenia flowers are blooming. Although they are summer flowers, I have heard that they can bloom until December.