
コリウス coleus


 The coleus has spread its leaves in a way that looks like a crown.
 Coleus is a plant that is favored for its leaves over its flowers. It is better not to let the flowers bloom so that the leaves can receive nutrients.


アジサイ hydrangea


 Hydrangea is called Ajisai in Japanese. Ajisai is a compound word composed of two words. The meaning of aji is gathering and the meaning of sai is indigo blue. The name is derived from the fact that it blooms in clusters of small blue flowers.
 On the other hand, hydrangea is called Hydrangea in English. This is also a compound word of two words. Hydra is a prefix that signifies water. Angina means vessel. The name implies the rainy season.

モンゴメリー、 montgomery


アジサイ 'サンセット' hydrangea 'sunset'


 The flowers have five petals, ten stamens, and one pistil. The numerous stamens, although short, look like twinkling stars shooting out from a  firework in the night sky.


アジサイ 'タウベ' hydrangea 'taube'


In alkaline soil, hydrangea flowers are pink while in acidic soil they are blue.
The soil's aluminum ionizes and dissolves when it becomes more acidic.
This is a poison that prevents plants from growing.
Many plants do not accumulate the toxic substance aluminum in their bodies, but hydrangeas are resistant to it and accumulates it in their bodies.
Pink anthocyanin is originally present in hydrangea flowers, but when it is combined with aluminum, the flower turns blue.
We can enjoy not only the difference of acidity but also the change of color of flowers during the growth process.


白熊の木(ハグマノキ) smoke tree

There are two uncommon trees in my neighborhood. One is this smoke tree, peduncles (the part that branches out from the stem and leads to the flower), which covered with fine hair remain after the flower ends. They have the appearance of haze.
 The other is the Handkerchief tree. The two large petal-like bracts look like thin Kleenex.
I missed it this year.
 The article about a handkerchief tree was posted on Friday, May 19, 2023. Please take a look if you are interested.


ミント mint


 Mint can be harvested at any time, except in winter, but currently is the time when its fragrance is most potent.
 When you look at the leaves from above, the two facing leaves overlap by 90 degrees offset, so it looks like a cross. Nature has created this beautiful geometric pattern.


タイム thyme

 英語名の thymeの英式発音は、タイムと聞こえますが、米式発音は大麻と聞こえます。乾燥タイムを大麻と言って渡されたら怖いですよね。

 Thyme is an herb with small leaves on thin stems.
 The British pronunciation of thyme doesn't cause problems in  Japan, but the American pronunciation does cause problems. It sounds the same as the Japanese word for hashish. It would be scary if I was given hashish for drying thyme.
 I made herbal tea with it and it had a refreshing taste. Of course, it's thyme, not hashish.
 Hashish is an illegal drug in Japan.


カラーリーフ color leaf


 I was given some leaves that were cut from a foliage plant. The colors are as vibrant as paintings. I was curious if the leaves were really that color, so I splashed some water on them, but the color did not fade.
 I am unaware of the plant's name. If you have any information, please share it in the comments.


金鎖(キングサリ) golden chain tree


 Since the flowering season has already passed a little, some of flower clusters have already turned into fruit (pods). Despite appearances, the seeds are poisonous, so do not pick them up and try to taste them.


ヒューケラ Heuchera


 The long flower stalks that sprout from the dense leaves have the appearance of an antenna.


ミニバラ miniature rose

 ミニバラは、小ぶりで高さが 40 cm を超えないので、鉢植えにも適します。バラの根は縦に伸びるので、使用する鉢は深いものが良いそうです。

 Miniature roses are also suitable for potted planting because they are small and seldom grow taller than 40cm. Rose roots prefer a deep pot because they grow vertically.


ブラシノキ bottlebrush


 The bottlebrush flowering season is finally coming to an end. It is over grow thickly now. I'm uncertain if I'll be able to do it well, but I'll prune vigorously. My concern is whether it will bloom in the next season.


緋合歓(ヒネム) Calliandra(Fairy duster)


 The appearance of this flower is very similar to that of the silk tree. The flowers in crimson are very eye-catching. It doesn't grow as tall as the silk tree, only about the height of a person. The stamens are made up of red fan-shaped parts.


フェアレディZ fairladyZ



 Although I am not knowledgeable about cars, I believe this car is a Datsun Fairlady Z. As long as a fair-lady buried in grass, she cannot attract anything. 

 A 1964 American film titled My Fair Lady was released. In that movie, Dr. Higgins sang, "Why can't women act like men? Their heads are tangled just like long hair is tangled...'' This is a view of women from a much older generation.  If it were released now, it would be flooded with criticism.
 If you look at it from a different angle, there could have been a positive theme that education can help anyone become better.


ドクダミ fish mint


 The Japanese name for fish mint contains the word "poison." For this reason, some people mistake it for a poisonous plant. The truth is, the name means the plant that cures poison.


昼顔(ヒルガオ) false bindweed


 Morning glory flowers can be seen in many different varieties. On the other hand, I have only seen small pink flowers of false bindweed, which are similar to morning glory flowers.
I think this is because once false bindweed grows, it is difficult to eradicate, so it is treated as a weed. (It is not a horticultural plant.)
 The Japanese name of morning glory means morning face, and false bindweed means daytime face.


箱根空木(ハコネウツギ) Weigela amabilis


 It's fun to see the different colors of flowers on this tree. Although I haven't seen it myself, I've heard that the colors of flowers change from white to pink and then to crimson as they bloom. I imagine the difference in colour is due to the different speeds of change. The phenomenon of drunk people's faces turning red at different rates from person to person is similar to this.


紫露草(ムラサキツユクサ) spiderwort


 This flower is so familiar to me, so it sometimes  doesn't come into my view.


勲章菊(ガザニア) terracotta gazania


 The Japanese name for Gazania means Chrysanthemum-patterned Medal of Honor. As the name suggests, it belongs to the Chrysanthemum family.
 Japanese-chrysanthemums have a delicate image, while Western-chrysanthemums are more showy. I occasionally see Japanese chrysanthemum patterns used on Japanese sweets, but are there any medals that resemble Western chrysanthemums?
 My father didn't seem to be interested in any Medals of Honor, the medals he had received were in my toy box. The memory of my childhood toy box came back to me.


エンジェルストランペット angel's Trumpet


 The flowers have a delicate appearance even though they are large. Avoid touching this plant with your bare hands as it is poisonous.


飛燕草(ヒエンソウ) larkspur


 The flower's Japanese name is derived from its resemblance to a swallow in flight. On the other hand, its English name comes from the skylark's spur (the pointed tip that extends from the heel). It's intriguing that both originated from birds. The angle of this photo makes it hard to tell if it's a bird.


オルラヤ white lace flower


 Small white flowers can look like white lace from a distance because they bloom in clusters at the tops of the stems.


チェリーセイジ Salvia microphylla


 In my view, the top of the pistil that protrudes from the top of the flower looks like a bird's head. The stamens are usually not visible, but when a butterfly arrives to suck nectar, two stamens emerge and deposit pollen on the butterfly's back. The stamens' hiding is believed to prevent self-pollination.


突抜忍冬(ツキヌキニンドウ) trumpet honeysuckle


 The Japanese name for this plant begins with words that mean "to break through." As the name suggests, behind the flowers at the ends of the branches, a stem appears to be pushing through between adverse layout leaves. I suddenly recalled kites that were connected like a train.