
土稲子(ツチイナゴ) Patanga japonica


 The Patanga japonica was large and approximately 5 cm long. Even when I got close, it was still eating grass and not running away.


黄花秋桜(キバナコスモス) yellow cosmos



 Yellow cosmos is a species of the genus cosmos, but its leaves are different from those of cosmos.
Leaves of cosmos are threadlike, while the leaves of yellow cosmos are jagged, similar to chrysanthemum leaves.

 A flower similar to the yellow cosmos is lance-leaved coreopsis. The Invasive Alien Species Act prohibits the cultivation of lance-leaved coreopsis, and those who plant it outdoors face imprisonment of up to three years or a fine of up to 3 million yen. Inadvertently confusing the two can lead to serious problems. A good way to tell the difference between the two is to look at the leaves. The leaves of lance-leaved coreopsis have an elongated shape without jagged edges.

キバナコスモス yellow cosmos

オオキンケイギク lance-leaved coreopsis 


マメアサガオ small-flowered white morning-glory


 The flowers are similar to morning glories, but they are small and have a diameter of about 1.5 cm. The vine-like stems branch out vigorously and wrap around other objects, and possess a powerful reproductive ability. If they grow near agricultural land, they could cause agricultural damage.


オキザリス・トリアングラリス oxalis triangularis


 Large purple leaves of Oxalis triangularis are very striking. The leaves of the purple heart, which belongs to the Commelinaceae family, are also purple, although they are different shapes. A photo of the purple heart was posted on June 27, 2023, so please take a look if you are interested.
 Oxalis can be found in over 800 species worldwide, with a wide variety of flower and leaf colors, sizes, and flowering periods. There are apparently about 20 species in Japan. Oxalises, with yellow flowers and green leaves, grow alone in my garden.


継子の尻拭い(ママコノシリヌグイ) persicaria senticosa



 This plant has many thorns on its stem and leaves. The Japanese name for this plant means that  stepmother wipes the butt of her hated stepchild with this thorny grass. I wonder if the person who named it suffered from these thorns? That's a heartbreaking idea. The sharpness of these thorns makes them quite painful to touch.

 The plant called persicaria sieboldi, which is currently blooming, is similar to this flower. It has also many small thorns on its leaves and stems. Therefore, they say that this can be used to grab slimy eels. Whether it is true or not, this naming is fun and appealing.

アキノウナギツカミ persicaria sieboldi


荒れ地瓜(アレチウリ) burcucumber

 アレチウリは、ツル性の植物で他の植物に絡みついて日光を遮るため、外来生物法で特定外来生物に指定されています。名前にウリとついていますが、果実は小さく食べられるようなものではありません。  日本へは、大豆に種子が混入して輸入され、豆腐屋さんを中心に拡大したと言われています。言うまでもなく、豆腐屋さんが悪いわけではありません。

 Burcucumber, as a climbing plant, wraps around other plants and blocks sunlight, which is why it is classified as a specific alien species in the Invasive Alien Species Act. Although the name includes the word "cucumber", the fruit is too small to eat.
 It is said that the seeds were unintentionally mixed with soybeans and brought into Japan, and spread mainly through tofu (bean curd) makers. It's not obviously the fault of the tofu makers.


丸葉縷紅(マルバルコウ) red morning-glory



 Embankments and fences often have small trumpet-shaped flowers that resemble morning glories. This vine plant is invasive and has a high reproductive rate, covering the entire area and competing with native species.
 Cypress vine is a flower that is similar in appearance to red morning-glory. Although it is difficult to distinguish them by their flower shapes alone, the leaves of the red morning-glory are round, while the leaves of the cypress vine are string-shaped, making it possible to tell them apart. Both plants are referred to as invasive naturalized plants and are treated as weeds.

 By the way, vinegar can be used as an organic weed killer. Spraying undiluted edible vinegar on a sunny day will cause the plant to dry out and die. It is not as effective as herbicides.
 Vinegar for weeds and salt for slugs! Salt is strictly forbidden on plants because it makes the soil worse.


猩猩草(ショウジョウソウ) fire-on-the-mountain


 Compared to the flowers themselves, the scarlet leaves (bracts) surrounding them are more noticeable. On closer look, you can see that the vermilion leaves are not independent. In fact, the base of the green leaves is vermilion.


大郭公薊(オオカッコウアザミ) floss flower


 Floss flower flowers were in bloom in the dim light. Sunny locations are the natural preference of this flower. I've heard that it is used as a medicinal herb in some culture, but it is also said to be toxic to grazing animals and can cause liver damage.
 However, the drooping purple petals are remarkable.


木槿(ムクゲ) rose of sharon


 All stamens of rose of sharon flowers appear to extend from the pistil axis.
 In fact, it is not that. All the stamens are fused at the base and the tube of stamen is formed. The pistil passes through the tube and then it's split head protrudes out from the tip of the tube.
 This is characteristic of flowers of the malvaceae family, such as hibiscus.


仙人草(センニンソウ) sweet autumn clematis



 White flowers of sweet autumn clematis are blooming around a red purple flower of kudzu. Both are climbing plants. Here is a riverbank with no trees growing, so there is nothing for the climbing plants to grab onto. Consequently they entwine tightly and support each other.
 Although sweet autumn clematis has a refreshing and sweet scent, I can't enjoy it because I lost my sense of smell a few months ago. It seems that it takes a considerable amount of time to recover.

 To tell the truth, I've recently lost my sense of taste for sake. It seems that sense of taste, and smell is inextricably entwined.



ゴーヤ bitter melon


 I'm planning to try growing bitter melon from seeds next year, so I removed seeds from the green fruit . They float on water, and after I dry them and press them with my fingers, they become easily crushed. They don't seem like it will be useful.
 Against this background, I removed seeds from ripened orange one, this time. Germination is expected because they look hard and the inside appears full.
 The biggest risk is forgetting to sow.


向日葵(ヒマワリ) sunflower



 Only one row of sunflowers was planted on the border between the fields and the road. If the purpose was to improve the soil or use it as fertilizer, I think it would be planted on a much larger scale. I don't think it shows hospitality to passersby. Well, no matter, I enjoyed the contrast between the blue sky with floating clouds and the sunflowers.

 By the way, I reminded of the sight of red spider lilies planted along the edges of rice fields. The reason for the use of the plants is to protect crops from rats and moles, as they are a poisonous plant.
 In addition, one more topic on cherry blossoms. The cherry trees are planted on the riverbanks because many people come to see the cherry blossoms and trample the banks, which helps prevent flooding. This was flood control knowledge on the Edo period.


洋種山牛蒡(ヨウシュヤマゴボウ) pokeweed


 The flower axis of a pokeweed has a dark reddish purple color, and when it shines in the light in dim light, they are very beautiful. The downside is that it contains toxic substances that can be fatal.
 When crushed ripe, black, soft fruit, a reddish purple juice emerges. This juice is capable of being used as a strong dye. Apparently, it was even used to color cheap wine in the past. It's a scary story.


大白唐傘茸(オオシロカラカサタケ) false parasol



 This is a poisonous mushroom, false parasol. I have never seen this mushroom a long time ago, but this year I have seen them in three places in my neighborhood. It seems that spores are flying and expanding their distribution range. One concern is whether inhaling the spores that are flying around could cause poisoning, but it is said that inhaling small amounts of the flying around will not cause any health issues.

 Symptoms of poisoning occur when toxins are absorbed into the digestive tract. If you just taste it and spit it out, you won't get poisoned, but I think it would be difficult for an average person to spit it all out, including the saliva. Never taste it!


小紫(コムラサキ) purple beautyberry

 コムラサキの学名は、Callicarpa dichotomaで、ギリシャ語で美しい果実という意味です。コムラサキの密集する果実は見応えがあります。今は、枝の元から次第に先端に向かい、緑色の果実が、次第に赤紫色に変わりつつある状態です。

 A purple beautyberry is known by the scientific name Callicarpa dichotoma, which means beautiful fruit in Greek. This fruits are a sight to behold due to their dense packing. Now, the green fruits are gradually turning reddish purple from the base of the branch to the tip.

 Purple beautyberry and Japanese beautyberry are very similar plants, so they are often confused with each other. Compared to purple beautyberry, Japanese beautyberry is taller and its fruits are not densely packed, giving it a more carefree appearance. It is a purple beautyberry that is planted as a garden tree, not Japanese beautyberry.


葛(クズ) kudzu


 The drooping kudzu flowers (inflorescence) appear to be blooming towards the sky. Kudzu is a climbing plant that has a strong reproductive ability and spreads rapidly, so it has come to be treated as a weed. Although the flowers are beautiful, they are a bit creepy.
 It has some useful properties too. The roots are used as food, known as kudzu starch, and as a medicinal herb.


数珠玉(ジュズダマ) job's tears

 数珠玉(ジュズダマ) の実は、ビーズ状の形で手触りが良く光沢のある実です。かつては身近な植物だったので、子供の頃、実を集め糸を通して数珠を作って遊んだ記憶があります。

 The job's tears produces a fruit that is beaded-shaped and has a shiny texture. This plant used to be quite common, and I remember collecting its berries and passing a string through them together to make rosary beads when I was a child.
 The fruits in the photo are still unripe. Their colors will begin to change into beautiful ones.


露草(ツユクサ) asiatic dayflower


 The Manyo-shu is the earliest collection of poems in Japan. Asiatic dayflowers appears on it. In ancient times, the flowers were rubbed onto cloth to dye it blue.
 However, the color created using this method will fade away if the item is immersed in water. Not only does the flower bloom briefly in the day, but the dyed color fades easily. It seems that the ephemeral nature of flowers had captured the hearts of people in the Manyo era.