数珠玉(ジュズダマ) の実は、ビーズ状の形で手触りが良く光沢のある実です。かつては身近な植物だったので、子供の頃、実を集め糸を通して数珠を作って遊んだ記憶があります。
The job's tears produces a fruit that is beaded-shaped and has a shiny texture. This plant used to be quite common, and I remember collecting its berries and passing a string through them together to make rosary beads when I was a child.
The fruits in the photo are still unripe. Their colors will begin to change into beautiful ones.
The job's tears produces a fruit that is beaded-shaped and has a shiny texture. This plant used to be quite common, and I remember collecting its berries and passing a string through them together to make rosary beads when I was a child.
The fruits in the photo are still unripe. Their colors will begin to change into beautiful ones.
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