
小紫(コムラサキ) purple beautyberry

 コムラサキの学名は、Callicarpa dichotomaで、ギリシャ語で美しい果実という意味です。コムラサキの密集する果実は見応えがあります。今は、枝の元から次第に先端に向かい、緑色の果実が、次第に赤紫色に変わりつつある状態です。

 A purple beautyberry is known by the scientific name Callicarpa dichotoma, which means beautiful fruit in Greek. This fruits are a sight to behold due to their dense packing. Now, the green fruits are gradually turning reddish purple from the base of the branch to the tip.

 Purple beautyberry and Japanese beautyberry are very similar plants, so they are often confused with each other. Compared to purple beautyberry, Japanese beautyberry is taller and its fruits are not densely packed, giving it a more carefree appearance. It is a purple beautyberry that is planted as a garden tree, not Japanese beautyberry.

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