
コセンダングサ cobbler's pegs


 It is a foreign species cobbler's pegs, commonly known as prickly seed. If you carelessly enter the grass, the seeds with spines will stick to your clothes and will be hard to remove. The seeds are long and slender, with 2 or 3 projections at the tip and many small, oppositely directed spines.


葉脈 leaf vein


 The leaf stuck to the asphalt road left only it's veins.
 It reminded me of a junior high school science experiment in which a leaf was soaked in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide and the veins were extracted.
 By the way, it is strange that only this species sticks to the road surface around here. I would like to observe the surface of the leaves when they are in full bloom.


常磐山査子(ピラカンサス) firethorn


 There were many vermilion fruits of firethorn along the wall. This is a road I occasionally pass, but I have few memories of flowers. Only vermilion fruits strongly assert its existence.


背高泡立草(セイタカアワダチソウ) tall goldenrod


 The flowers of tall goldenrod and hogweed are similar, but this one is the former because it does not have serrations around the leaves. Both are plants of the Asteraceae family, but the shape of the leaves is quite different. As well, the impression you get of the name, is very different.  


蔦(ツタ) Japanese Ivy




 Japanese Ivy has a disk-shaped suction cup at the end of its tendrils, so it can climb up on the walls of building, bridge piers and others. Although it is called a suction cup, it is not sucking, but it is more precise to say that it is filled with viscous liquid and sticks to the object.

 On another topic, I noticed two birds were fighting in the sky. The one in an unfavorable situation was a black kite, and a crow was relentlessly chasing the other.
 Black kites are birds of prey in the hawk family, so I thought they were stronger than crows, but the reality seems to be the opposite.
 The black kite managed to glide in circles several times, gaining more and more altitude, so the crow finally abandoned the attack and flew away.

 Unfortunately, neither my equipment nor my technique enabled me to photograph birds flying.


芒(ススキ) Japanese silver grass


It has past the middle of December, but you can still enjoy Japanese silver grass shining in the setting sun.


脱皮 cast off the skin


 Next to the Japanese stewartia whose peeling bark is conspicuous, there was a cicada shell was on the ground. Both are imprints that have grown out of their old selves.
 Although not widely known, cicadas molt several times. The final molting is referred to as adult emergence.


コケモモ Lingonberry

 コケモモは暑さに弱いので、日本の夏の高温多湿は厳しいようです。一方、北欧ではよく育つと聞きました。 ジャムに適した実に見えるので、どんな味になるのか試してみたいです。

 Lingonberry is weak against heat, so the hot and humid summer in Japan seems to be severe. On the other hand, I heard that it grows well across Northern Europe. It looks like a fruit suitable for jam ingredients, so I'd like to try what it tastes like.


絵馬 Ema


 Daruma's figure was drawn on this Ema. Usually, horses or the Oriental zodiac drawn are common, Dharma is rare. Perhaps this temple has a connection with Bodhidharma.

 Ema is a tablet with a picture of a horse or others on the front and people write their wishes on the back. They buy a blank small board at a shrine or a temple, write their wishes on them, and dedicate it to the shrine or the temple. It used to be customary to dedicate horses to shrines, so horses were commonly pictured on it, but recently many different things have been drawn.
 Bodhidharma was a founder of Zen Buddhism. A Dharma is a papier-mâché doll that resembles Bodhidharma sitting in meditation with no arms and legs, and the bottom is heavy, so even if knocked down, it will be upright immediately.


真弓(マユミ) mayumi


 Mayumis are wonderful in both autumn leaves and fruits.


マリーゴールド marigold


 Marigolds in my garden are blooming one after another, even in December.
 Using EM bacteria (useful microorganisms), I made fertilizer from kitchen garbage. The plant may be vital because I applied the fertilizer to it.


エンジェルトランペット angel's trumpet


 Angel's trumpet flowers come in white, pink, and orange colors, but I've never seen pink flowers. The name Angel's Trumpet is a trade name and the general name is Brugmansia.
 There are many products whose trade names have become general names. Saran wrap is one of them, and the generic name is wrap film.
 You might not guess from the name Angel, but this plant is highly toxic.



南天(ナンテン) nandina


 Nadina is an evergreen tree, but it may turn red. I think the leaves have become red because this place is windblown and no fertilizer has been given.


廃屋ですか deserted house?


 Plants have grown inside the house and the lumber of the structure has been rotten in places, but this is not an abandoned house. Upstairs, a cafe is run, the shop is quite popular. Every time I pass by, I worry about what will happen if a big earthquake hits. Old things have a taste, but they also have a decline.
 The jelly-built house I used to live in was completely destroyed in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. I heard that the resident at that time passed away.
 The good or bad things we thought were going to happen are usually come true. 


ホンダ エルシノア Honda ELSINORE


 It is the Honda motorcycle "ELSINORE" released in the 1970s that can run rough roads.
 The engine was equipped with a 2-stroke engine that was poorly-designed for Honda, but there is no other bike looks as elegant as this one. 
 I bought the successor model XL250, which was replaced by a 4-stroke engine, but the style no longer looked like "ELSINORE."

Steve McQueen

This is mine.


蜘蛛の糸 spider silk


 If I cling to this thread and climb to the top, there is no doubt that I will escape hell and reach heaven.


皇帝ダリア tree dahlia


 These are tree dahlias that seem to be 4 to 5 m tall. They appear attractive against the blue sky.


チンドン屋 Chindonya


 Chindonya means brightly‐dressed musicians playing in the street for advertising purposes.
 When I was a child, I was told not to follow Chindonya. At that time, the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin was widely talked about.
  Nowadays, it's rare to see a Chindonya.

(C) Hasegawa Machiko 


電飾 colored lights


 Illuminations look great on man-made objects such as a building, but I don't think they are good enough for autumn leaves.


秋の夕暮れ autumn twilight


 Autumn leaves are visible to the human eye. The dynamic range of digital camera is narrow, so they appear black in the photo. You can feel the melancholy and beauty in autumn leaves and the gradation of the clear sky.


菊の蕾 chrysanthemum bud


 I was surprised chrysanthemum buds come up so much like this.


一重の小菊 single‐petaled small chrysanthemum


 There are various types of chrysanthemums. There are even many types of chrysanthemums known as small chrysanthemums.




 According to the shape of the leaves, that plant is a chrysanthemum. Dahlias and chrysanthemums belong to the same family of Asteraceae, so they are quite similar. I don't know the English name for this plant which is called "dalia-kiku" in Japan, "kiku" means chrysanthemum.


ダリア dahlia


 The Japanese name for dahlia is "天竺牡丹 (Tenjiku-button)." The meaning of Tenjiku is India, but why is it named India? I knew that dahlias were brought to Japan from the Netherlands. They would have come by sea via India.


干し柿 dried persimmon


 Astringent persimmons were sold, so I made dried persimmons. It doesn't look good, but the condensed taste is indescribably delicious.


紅葉と遊具 autumn color and playground equipments


 It is said that Japanese people especially enjoy autumn leaves.
 While the children are playing, the autumn leave would become the indelible landscape of Japan and that is imprinted into the children's hearts without realizing it.


真葛(サネカズラ) Japanese kadsura


 In the old days, it is said that the viscous sap of this plant was used to set hair, and it is also called "美男葛;binan-kazura" in Japanese which means "the handsome man of climbing plant."  I wonder if women had not used it.


紫苑(シオン) tatarian aster


 I thought that the light purple parts were petals, but these are actually ray flowers, and the yellow parts in the center are tubular flowers.


山茶花(サザンカ) sasanqua


 The sasanqua has started to bloom. It's almost winter.


箒草(ホウキグサ) kochia


 It is a rare combination of kochia and rice plant. The fruit of the rice plant is the staple diet of the Japanese people.


美女桜(ビジョザクラ) vervain


 The condition of the flower is not good, but I think it is interesting that there are several petals have mixed colors.


熟しすぎた柿 overripe persimmon


 I wonder what kind of sound the overripe persimmon made when it dropped on the rock.


ジニア Zinnia


 Zinnia has a long flowering season, but they are approaching the end of their season.


千日紅(センニチコウ) bachelor's button


 The Japanese name of bachelor's button means that the red color does not fade for a thousand days. However, beside red color, there are also white, pink and etc., so why is it red?  Come to think of it, the Japanese name of crape myrtle means that red color does not fade for a hundred days. But there are also white, pink and etc.


ガマズミ linden viburnum


 They say the berries of linden viburnum are edible. However, the first crops of bright vermilion look quite seem to be quite sour. I choose not to nibble it.


臭木(クサギ) Harlequin glory bower


 The fruits are blue, and the petal-like calyces are reddish-purple, they are creating a vivid contrast. I wonder if the insects will also come together in this contrast?


団栗(ドングリ) acorn


  When I was a small child, I was familiar with nursery rhymes about acorns, so I feel familiar with acorns. “The child is father of the man. ”


オオシロカラカサタケ false parasol


 There were some things in the grass that looked like a child toy. When I walked up to them, I found they were mushrooms. A large one had a cap with around 25cm in diameter. When I look it up in a picture book, it seems to be a poisonous mushroom " false parasol" but I feel like that the stem is short.


柿 Japanese persimmon


 Fall is in full swing. It's Japanese pampas grass in front. The background is Japanese persimmons burning in the setting sun.


ミニトマト grape tomato


 The leaves are all the same shape, but some are large and some are small. I wonder if it keeps the leaves from growing thick so that the sunlight reach the lower leaves. If so, I can think of an simple way to reduce the number of leaves. There is also an ambiguous part as to whether the leaves are opposite leaf arrangement or alternate (not shown in this photo). Tomato leaves make me wonder.


小紫式部(コムラサキシブ) purple beautyberry


 I hear that wild birds like this fruit, but I've never seen birds eat it.
 Purple is a nice color, but I don't think it looks very appetizing as a food. By and large, warm colors look much better.


クレオパトラの夢 Cleopatra's dream



 This is a Bud Powell (piano playing) LP record jacket.
 It's a mind-blowing performance, and you can hear his groans.  I heard he was mentally ill at those times and he had been treated with electric shocks. The expression of his son looking in from behind looked worried.
  "Cleopatra's Dream" is the first music on this record.

 Many of the instruments used in jazz performances have single notes, such as trumpet and saxophone, but piano is nice because it is able to play chords.


金木犀(キンモクセイ) fragrant orange-colored olive


 When I take a walk, I notice the existence of fragrant orange-colored olive by the scent that drifts around me prior to the coming into sight. I had no occasion to smell the common gardenias this year.
 Fragrant orange-colored olive, common gardenia and winter daphne are the three most fragrant trees in Japan.